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Arabic Internet Operations Intern阿拉伯语互联网运营实习生
Part-timeUnder 10K RMB per monthBeijing
Refresh at 7 months ago 2758 views

Job Responsibilities

Work content 1. Monitor data, analyze user feedback, and continuously improve and enhance the degree of App localization; 2. Be keenly aware of local popular and major festivals and participate in App event planning. 3. Complete the product research work designated by the leader 4. Fully communicate with users in the product and guide users to use the product correctly 工作内容 1、监控数据、分析用户反馈,不断完善及提升App本土化程度; 2、敏锐发现当地流行及重大节日活动,参与App活动策划。 3、完成领导指定的产品调研工作 4、在产品内与用户充分交流,引导用户正确使用产品

Job Requirements

job requirements 1. This position requires native Arabic or grew up in an Arabic speaking area. Proficient in Arabic and understand the culture of the Middle East; 2. Proficient in Chinese, able to communicate with the Chinese team without barriers; 3. Familiar with local culture and young people's habits, heavy social app users are preferred; 4. Be sure to come to Beijing Xiaomi Technology Park at least 4 days a week to be on duty. Remote distance is not accepted, and the internship period is more than 3 months; 5. According to Chinese laws and regulations, interns need to be university students, including undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students. 任职要求 1、本岗位需要母语为阿语,或者在阿语地区长大。精通阿拉伯语、了解中东地区文化; 2、精通中文、能和中国团队无障碍交流; 3、熟悉本地文化及年轻人习惯,重度社交类App使用者优先; 4、每周保证至少4天来北京小米科技园在岗,不接受远程,实习期3个月以上; 5、根据中国法律规定,实习生需要为在校大学生,包括本科生研究生博士生。

Required Languages

Arabic, Mandarin

Job Details

Position type

Other technical positions


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