Logistics Manager
Full-time25K - 30K RMB per monthUnited States
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Job Responsibilities

1. Local Situation Research Understand the city's laws and local culture. Through research, familiarize yourself with the operational models, competitive landscape, and business scale (order volume, delivery capacity) of major local logistics companies to optimize your own operations and enhance market competitiveness. 2. Building and Managing Local Team Assemble teams for warehouse management and driver management, define job responsibilities, and manage local team tasks, scheduling, and performance evaluations. 3. Coordination with Customs Agents and Mainline Carriers To ensure timely delivery of self-dispatched services, track the timeliness of landed goods, urge customs agents to handle processing promptly, and arrange mainline pickups. 4. Self-Dispatch Business Operations Develop standard warehouse management SOPs and driver training SOPs, refine key work points, and monitor the efficiency of SOP implementation. - Warehouse Safety Management: Improve labor efficiency and quality through effective management of labor suppliers. - Fleet and Driver Management: Monitor delivery timeliness and quality through fleet and driver operations, and address any emergent issues promptly. 5. Administrative Support Assist the headquarters in local tasks such as warehouse leasing, business qualification processing, utility management, fixed asset management, and government affairs coordination.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor's degree or higher, with English as a working language; 2. Over 3 years of experience in the logistics industry, familiar with logistics operations and processes; 3. Possess a driver's license and skilled in driving; 4. Experience studying in the U.S. is preferred, with the ability to adapt to both domestic and U.S. cultures; 5. Hardworking, with strong organizational and problem-solving skills.

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type

Logistics Specialist/Logistics Manager


Unlimited experience

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