Beijing University Golden Autumn Blue Sky Pilot International Kindergarten Logo
Beijing University Golden Autumn Blue Sky Pilot International Kindergarten Logo
Foreign teachers signed by culture and education
Full-time20K - 25K RMB per monthBeijing
Beijing University Golden Autumn Blue Sky Pilot International Kindergarten
Refresh at 7 months ago 1743 views

Job Responsibilities

Job Descriptions: 1、能够全英文授课,并保证教学质量; 1、Can teach in English and ensure the quality of instruction. 2、能够进行教室和教具的日常维护和管理; 2、Do the routine maintenance and management of classrooms and teaching aids.; 3、时常为学员组织课程活动; 3、Frequently organization curriculum activities for students; 4、 能够通过电话教学、日常沟通等方式对学生的学习效果进行跟踪,为家长提供优秀的教学售后服务; 4、Track students’ learning progress through telephone teaching, daily communication, and so on. Provide parents with excellent teaching service. 5、同时也欢迎愿意投身教育事业的优秀应届毕业生加入我们! 5、We also welcome excellent graduates who are willing to apply themselves to an educational career. Please join us.Job Requirements:

Job Requirements

Job Requirements: 1、大专及以上学历,英语专业; 1. College or above degree, English Major; 2、一年以上教学或助教工作经验; 2. Over one year work experience in teaching or teaching assistant; 3、形象气质佳,活泼、开朗,热爱教育工作,喜欢孩子 3. Presentable, lively, cheerful, love education work,like kids 4.英语口语流利,发音地道; 4. Fluent oral English and pronunciation accurately; 5、亲和力佳,具有良好的服务意识。 5. Good affinity and good service consciousness.

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type

English teacher


1~3 years

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