Longsage Group(C)
Artificial Intelligence & IOT & Robot


Founded in 2016, Longsage Group currently employs over 2,000 people in Southeast Asia andsome parts of the world. Our Company offers high-quality software development, data analysisgaming, entertainment, and artificial intelligence technology services. Longsage Group iscomprised of a large number of highly-skilled and technology advanced software developers. OurCOMPANY VALUES adhere O INTEGRITY, INNOVATION, EFFICIENCY, and PEOPLE-ORIENTED.Our MlSSlON is to use advanced development tools and platforms that can develop high-qualitysoftware products to address our customer needs, Our COMMlTMENT is to continuously invest inhuman resources to enrich technical knowledge, exceeds service level agreement, and achieve awinning situation for the Company, Employees and our Customers.

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