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International ESG expert
Full-time35K - 40K RMB per monthIndonesia - Indonesia Jarkatar
Refresh at 7 months ago 1895 views

Job Responsibilities

ESG管理 1.承接公司战略规划,设计并制定环境社会管理(ESG),可持续发展管理(SDG),企业社会责任管理(CSR)架构和执行计划; 2.依据ESG对标分析差距报告,以消除差距为目标,推进并执行“2030ESG”行动计划; 3.对接关键客户ESG需求,如责任矿产,责任供应链的管理; 4.遵循GRI政策,设计并发布ESG年度报告。 碳排放管理 1.负责ISO14064组织层级碳排放核查,根据碳排放目标,制定并实施碳减排计划; 2.根据利益相关方要求,提供LCA数据来源。 收并购流程技术支持 1.技术支持如收并购风险管理,融资、证券、MSCI或道琼斯评级等事项 Job duties: ESG management 1.Implementing the corporate development strategy and plan to designing and making the organization chart and to do list for ESG\SDG\CSR; 2.Pushing and implementing the 2030ESG action plan to realize the goal of gap termination based on the ESG benchmark gao analysis report; 3.Know about the ESG requirement of Key customers such as responsible mineral resources and supply chain management; 4.Follow the GRI policy to design and release ESG annual report. Carbon emission management: 1.Making and implementing the carbon emission cut down plan to approach our carbon emission goal and take charge of the organizational level ISO14064 inspection work; 2.Providing LCA data source according to the ask of interest-relevant side. Process and knowledge support for acquisition and merging project 1.providing knowledge support for the risk-management of acquisition or merging peoject and other issue such as financing、security、MSCI and Dow jones grade evaluation.

Job Requirements

任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,化学、安全工程等理工科专业, 2、具备较强的逻辑思维能力、沟通协调能力及团队协作能力; 3、有独立的分析判断能力和专业主张,有推动问题解决的能力; 4、具备良好的英文书面及口语能力 5、掌握丰富的工艺安全相关知识 Job qualifications: 1、Bachelor's degree or above major on chemistry\safety engineering or other science and engineering profession,, 2、Excellent logic thinking ability with outstanding communication and coordination skills; 3、Independent analysising and judging ability with professional opinions and trouble-solution ability; 4、Good oral English and excellent English writing and reading skills; 5、Grasp abundant technological safety knowledge.

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type



5~10 years

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