Georgia School
Education & TrainingNingbo
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GSN is located in the, rapidly developing, Jiangbei District of Ningbo; 215km south of Shanghai, across the Hangzhou Bay and 9km from the city center of Ningbo. Surrounded by high-rise residential complexes and parks, the school's campus is full of trees and greenery and resembles the layout of a university campus. Ningbo is surrounded by green hills and has a humid subtropical climate with distinct seasons. An international airport, high speed rail and subway system allow for ease of travel access. Ningbo is one of China's oldest cities with a history dating to the Hemudu culture (4,800BC) and is home to a number of historic Buddhist temples and monuments. 浙江宁波乔治亚外籍人员子女学校(Georgia School, 简称GSN)是浙江省教育厅在宁波批准成立的第一所外籍人员子女学校。学校只招收外籍人员子女,以及香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区居民和在境外依法定居的中国公民的子女。 乔治亚学校位于江北大道377号,校园占地面积80亩,校舍建筑面积3万平方米,图书馆等各种功能用房一应俱全。该校为幼儿园、小学、初中、高中15年一贯制,教师团队由42名外籍教师和7名中方教师组成,主要来自美国。所有教师均持有英语母语国家的学科类专业教师资格证,70%的教师拥有硕士及以上学位。 学校获得三项重要的国际教育及考试体系认证授权。在学历认证上,美国西部院校教育联盟(WASC)授予乔治亚学校最高水平的、为期六年的WASC认证。同时,学校由美国大学理事会授权(College Board)提供美国AP大学预修课程,是AP考试的考点。乔治亚学校是国内的SAT和PSAT考试考点的学校。今后,学生可在本校进行SAT和PSAT考试。 每年,学校还将进行两次全美同步考试,毕业生获全美认可的毕业文凭。

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