IntoCare Medical Technology (SuZhou) Co., Ltd
Medical healthSuzhou
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With strong financial backing via multiple international venture capital partnerships experienced in the medical device arena, IntoCare Medical was founded in 2015. IntoCare is a Chinese high-tech company focused on the development, manufacturing and commercialization of cutting edge, “best-in-class” surgical devices. IntoCare currently headquarters in Suzhou China, one of China’s most innovative, dynamic and economically developed regions, now has more than 100 employees with global expertise and experience working in multi-national medical device companies. 苏州英途康医疗科技有限公司创办于2015年,是国内一家专注于外科手术产品的高科技公司。优秀的产品源于对需求深刻的洞察力和在此基础上的不断创新。“Insight and Innovation to Caring”,这也是公司名字的由来。 公司坐落于苏州纳米城内。纳米城是定位于重大研发工程化平台、高端创新创业团队、产业发展服务机构、国际产业促进组织的产业综合社区。

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