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云鲸智能成立于2016年,是一家研发家用智能设备和服务的黑科技公司,同时也是一个为用户的自由热爱而造的生活方式品牌。被评为 2021 中国科技机器人企业50强,胡润2021全球独角兽企业。云鲸团队历经三年,研发出全球首款“会自己洗拖布”的扫拖机器人J1,2019年双十一推出市场,多次蝉联品类单品销售冠军。2021年9月,云鲸推出二代产品J2,在双十一开售首日,1分钟销售破亿,7分钟销售破2亿,引爆消费市场。目前,云鲸已走进全球70万用户家庭,夺得线上市场近20%的份额,位居行业第二。 Narwal Robotics is a company founded in 2016 and dedicated to bringing about a cleaning revolution through the use of innovative robotics technology. It's flagship product, the Narwal T10 2-in-1 self-cleaning robot vacuum and mop, not only raised $1,140,000 from 1800 backers in 45 days, it has also won many awards, including a Gold Award during the 2020 Edison Awards honoree mention in the 2020 CES Innovation Award. Narwal has been covered by over 90 different media sources, including TIME, CNET, and TechRadar, and the T10 can now be found in over 700,000 households worldwide. Narwal is committed to designing products based on the customers wants and needs, making cleaning easier and more convenient so that people can spend less time cleaning and more time doing what they love, with who they love. As of 2022, just 6 years after its founding and 3 years after releasing its first product, Narwal has over 1,000 employees and continues to grow.

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