Wuhan Wonderstar Education Development co. Ltd
Education & TrainingWuhan
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Wuhan Wonderstar Education Development co. Ltd is a subordinate to New Beacon Group, of which registered capital is 10 millions. We concentrate on establishing a chain of kindergartens and researching and developing children’s products. Our brand, Wonderstar International Kindergarten, was co-operated with Hubei kindergarten training school and Experimental kindergarten .Hubei Experimental Kindergarten is our major strategic partnership, which is the first public kindergarten built in china and has a hundred years experiment on setting up kindergartens. In the past 100 years, they have managed the kindergarten, following their motto--maintain physical fitness, maintain ability improvement, improve moral behavior, in order to bring up many brilliant students with all-rounded development in ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics. They have taken a very important role in order to develop this industry in Hubei province. Hubei Experimental Kindergarten is not only subordinate to Hubei Experimental School for Kindergarten Teachers but also directly managed under Education Department of Hubei province, which is a demonstration kindergarten in both Hubei province and Wuhan city.Management of Wonderstar composed of senior professional managers and preschool education experts. We aim to cultivate someone who will stand in the forefront of the times by bringing in the best educational management system, learning the most advanced research on teaching method, inheriting the essence of Chinese traditional culture and taking the best suitable education philosophy for the development of children. Wonderstar international kindergarten will also follow Hubei Experimental Kindergarten’s motto, maintain physical fitness, maintain ability improvement,, improve moral behavior, to cultivate healthy, knowledgeable, generous and charismatic children. Due to our sufficient fund, abundant social resource, professional management and outstanding faculty, Wuhan Wonderstar educational development co. ltd. maps out to extend to 100 kindergartens in three to five years , and at last to set up a national preschool group with R&D and for children’s products by bringing in the best educational management system, learning the most advanced research on teaching method, inheriting the essence of Chinese traditional culture and taking the best suitable education philosophy for the development of children. 旺斯达教育发展有限公司简介--湖北省实验--旺斯达国际幼儿园旺斯达教育发展有限公司隶属于纽宾凯集团,注册资本3000万元。主要致力于幼儿园的连锁发展及相关幼儿产品研发及生产。旗下品牌“旺斯达国际幼儿园”由公司与湖北省实验幼儿师范学校及其附属湖北省实验幼儿园联合创办。 旺斯达的优势Competitive Advantage公司主要合作伙伴——湖北省实验幼儿园是中国公立第一园,有着百年办园历史。百年来,始终遵循“保身体之健旺,养天赋之美才,习善良之言行”的办园理念,培养了一批又一批德智体美全面发展的人才,在湖北省一直有着较大的影响。省实验幼儿园是湖北省实验幼儿师范学校的附属幼儿园,也是湖北省教育厅直属园,是湖北省、武汉市两级示范园。幼儿园教学设施完善,师资力量雄厚,各项管理规范,是全省幼教界的标杆和示范窗口,享有很高的声誉。公司管理团队由资深职业经理人和幼教专家组成,通过引进一流的教育管理模式,融合先进的教研成果,继承中华传统文化精髓,秉承适合儿童成长的教育理念,培养面向世界、引领未来潮流之人才。 旺斯达的理念Wonderstar’s Motto旺斯达国际幼儿园将继续遵循湖北省实验幼儿园“保身体之健旺,养天赋之美才,习善良之言行”的办园理念,致力于培养旺体,博闻,厚德,蕴美的儿童。 旺斯达的未来Wonderstar’s Future旺斯达教育发展有限公司依靠雄厚的资金实力,丰富的社会资源,专业的管理团队以及优秀的师资队伍,通过引进一流的教育管理模式,融合先进的教研成果,秉承适合儿童成长的教育理念,计划在3—5年内发展至100家,最终发展为全国连锁性幼教集团并带动相关幼儿产品研发及生产。

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