

航粤智能电气以“发-输-变-配-用-储”各环节35KV及以下开关柜、配电箱、母线槽等电力设备为核心,集智能配电研发、制造、销售、运维及电力设计施工EPC服务为一体的国家级专精特新“小巨国家高新技术企业,获得省级工程技术中心。西门子钻石合作盘厂,ABB技术授权盘厂 航粤智能电气以“智能化、数字化”为目标,每年创新研发投入过千万元,获得66项授权知识产权、23项发明专利、37个软件著作权、多项国际体系认证;参与国家标准制定,获得多项国家级、省级资质和荣誉。 三、航粤智能电气首创配电柜“选配智能设计系统”:首创配电行业“智能排产系统”:首创基于Saas平台的智慧能源管控系统及电力监控、光储充等应用软件;首创智能配电箱及智能配电解决方案:航粤工业级双碳综合能源管理系统,获得创新成果行业领先评定。 四、航粤智能配电解决方案技术核心基于Saas平台,采用A!大数据关键技术研发了“图形数字化、界面模块化、接线自动化、统计平台化、预测智能化和报表自动化”等六项主要功能;着力于用户资产管理、能耗分析、设备及负荷故障预判,助力高耗能、高可靠用户的用电管理;解决了配电设备全生命周期管理、安全用电管理、综合能源管理:助力企业实现安全经济用电及低碳、绿色、可持续发展,为实现双碳目标做贡献。 Hangyue Intelligent Electric is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, manufacturing, sales, operation and maintenance of intelligent power distribution, as well as EPC services for power design and construction. It focuses on power equipment such as 35KV and below switchgear, distribution boxes, bus ducts, etc. in various links of "power generation transmission transformation distribution use storage", and has been awarded the provincial engineering technology center. It is a Siemens diamond cooperative panel factory and an ABB technology authorized panel factory Hangyue Intelligent Electric aims for "intelligence and digitization" and invests over 10 million yuan in innovative research and development every year. It has obtained 66 authorized intellectual property rights, 23 invention patents, 37 software copyrights, and multiple international system certifications; Participated in the formulation of national standards and obtained multiple national and provincial qualifications and honors. 3、 Hangyue Intelligent Electric pioneered the "Intelligent Design System for Optional Distribution Cabinets": pioneered the "Intelligent Production Scheduling System" in the distribution industry; pioneered the smart energy control system and application software for power monitoring, photovoltaic storage and charging based on the SaaS platform; Pioneering intelligent distribution box and intelligent distribution solution: Hangyue Industrial Grade Dual Carbon Comprehensive Energy Management System, awarded industry-leading innovation achievement evaluation. 4、 The core technology of Hangyue Intelligent Power Distribution Solution is based on SaaS platform and adopts A! The key technologies of big data have developed six main functions, including graphic digitization, interface modularization, wiring automation, statistical platformization, predictive intelligence, and report automation; Focusing on user asset management, energy consumption analysis, equipment and load fault prediction, to assist high energy consuming and highly reliable users in electricity management; Solved the full lifecycle management, safe electricity management, and comprehensive energy management of distribution equipment: assisting enterprises in achieving safe and economical electricity use, low-carbon, green, and sustainable development, and contributing to the achievement of the dual carbon goal.

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