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广州资乐电气设备有限公司(ZEALUX)成立于1999年,是一家专注于新能源与环保科技的国际化创新企业,公司集产品研发、生产、销售及服务于一体,历经二十余年的精耕细作,致力于制造和销售现代节能环保家电,如:热泵热水器、泳池加热机等产品。 依靠科学的管理理念,先进可靠的品质技术以及差异性的销售策略,国外销售集中精力开拓欧洲、美洲、中东、澳洲等全球高端市场,目前已经成为欧洲热泵市场的主流供应商,在行业内处于领先地位。 For over 20 years, ZEALUX Group has been dedicated to providing users with an exceptional quality of life. We effectively combine heating, cooling, ventilation, and hot water with renewable energy and INVERBOOST fully inverter technology to offer the most energy-efficient heating solutions for any building or residence. In pursuit of carbon neutrality, we consistently fulfill our corporate responsibilities, prioritizing ecological conservation, advocating for environmental and social change, and contributing to global resource conservation.

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