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广东高沃科技有限公司,2007年成立,位于中国广东省东莞市厚街镇。2016年被广东省科技厅认定为“高新技术企业”。前身是深圳市翔宇汽车配件有限公司,2013年,成立东莞翔宇汽车装备有限公司,2019年,更名为广东高沃科技有限公司。 公司由广东总部、北京研发中心、湖南分公司以及印尼分公司组成,厂房面积两万平方米。截止2019年底,公司已拥有固定资产5000万元,实现产值2亿元。 公司经营泛围涉及汽车工业、航天航空、石油化工、医疗器械等领域,是一家集高端装备、检测装备、精密部件和精密仪器设计、生产、制造为一体的高科技企业。 公司拥有马扎克五轴CNC加工中心、大型龙门NC、海克斯康大型龙门CMM测量机等加工及测量设备。 为提升公司的技术创新能力,公司先后与北京航天航空大学、哈尔滨工业大学等国内著名高校分别成立产品联合研发中心,与国内著名央企单位成立“特种装备联合实验室”,与“国防科学技术进步一等奖”获得者共建院士、博士专家工作站。 公司产品主要分为3类:检具、测量支架、标准组件,现已进入10多家国内外各汽车主机厂,并开拓了欧洲、美国、加拿大、阿根廷、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、泰国、马来西亚、印尼等市场,公司已成为广菲克、麦格纳、法雷奥、马瑞利、爱信、爱机、海斯坦普、丰田合成等各大汽车零部件厂家的汽车检具供应商。 我们都成功的完成过广汽本田、广汽丰田、东风日产、上海通用、上海大众、一汽大众、长安福特、长城汽车、奇瑞汽车、现代汽车、福田汽车、海马汽车、东南汽车等新车型的检具开发与制造。 GUANGDONG SUNYUU TECH CO.,LTD. was established in 2007, SunYuu Fixture & Gauge is a leading China inspection fixture manufacturer that specializes in fixturing and gauging for the manufacturing industry. We deliver the highest quality products and services from design to completion, while raising the standard in customer service and support. We are continuously improving our processes and developing new innovative methods to effectively control costs while maintaining the highest industry standards in precision, product quality, on time delivery and competitive pricing. Our experience and reputation has made us the trusted source to many of North America's top manufacturers. With proven trust and integrity allow us the opportunity of contributing to your success. SunYuu Fixture & Gauge has a highly qualified engineering team with more than 18 years of experience in design and development of fixturing and gauging products. Through our experience, innovative solutions and supplier network, our team is able to provide you with custom solutions that meet or exceed your project requirements. From start to finish, our team is in constant communication with you to ensure that all of your concerns and requirements are met. We strive to achieve complete customer satisfaction through our products and services with professionalism, integrity, expertise and dedication.

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