Plucking professional, ‘white collar’ office workers out of their cubicles, throwing them into a boxing ring at a ritzy hotel and proceeding to party like its 1989 has proven to be a successful venture throughout the world.

Plucking professional, ‘white collar’ office workers out of their cubicles, throwing them into a boxing ring at a ritzy hotel and proceeding to party like its 1989 has proven to be a successful venture throughout the world.


These so-called ‘White Collar Boxing’ events are a runaway success in places like Shanghai, Beijing and Taiwan. Aussie-born and Shenzhen-based entrepreneur, fitness guru and Project 0/1 gym proprietor John Graham brought the first white-collar fight night to China’s newest Tier-1 city, holding a fight at Shenzhen’s Hilton Hotel. John will build on the buzz generated by his first event by holding another fight on June the 17th.


The amateur fighters who volunteer to compete in this summer’s fight are well into training at this point, undergoing a rigorous program designed to take them from office drone to Sylvester Stallone in the span of only a few months. Fighters train up to twice daily with the professional staff and boxing instructors at Project 0/1, a full-service, executive-style boxing-focused gymnasium.


Under the careful tutelage of international boxing coaches Adam, Timur and Sasha, our desk jockeys will jettison their quick 100-word-per-minute typing skills in favor of fancy footwork and a quick left hand jab and right hook follow-up.  

When fight night rolls around this June, there will be several hundred spectators and a laundry list of sponsors representing Shenzhen’s unique and well-differentiated business and service sectors. Movers and shakers in the Shenzhen business world will be dolled up in their finest black-tie regalia watching the newly minted fighters prove their mettle. 

There will be a silent auction and several fundraising events during the matches with all proceeds benefitting Heart for China. 

To order a table and reserve your seat at what will be a can’t-miss night please contact Jewel Li, Project 0/1 Manager.


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