The question of what is a good salary in Shanghai is one that has been asked many times by those who are considering relocating to the city. Shanghai has long been known as one of the most expensive cities in the world, and the cost of living there can be quite high. But, it is still possible to make a decent living in Shanghai with the right amount of planning and effort. In this article, we will explore what a good salary in Shanghai looks like and discuss how you can make the most of your money while living in the city.

What is a Good Salary in Shanghai?

Shanghai is a major business and financial center, home to some of the world’s largest multinational companies and banks. This makes it an attractive destination for those who are looking for higher paying jobs and better career prospects. The average salary for a professional in Shanghai is around 18,000 RMB (roughly $2,800 USD) per month. However, this figure can vary depending on experience, qualifications, job title, and other factors.

For those who are not familiar with the Chinese currency, 18,000 RMB is an excellent salary. Most professionals in Shanghai can easily afford a comfortable lifestyle, with enough money to cover living costs, leisure expenses, and other necessary expenses. However, there are some professions in Shanghai that require higher salaries, such as IT specialists, finance professionals, and lawyers. For these roles, salaries can go up to 40,000 RMB or even higher.

Regardless of the specific job title or salary, saving money in Shanghai can be quite difficult if you are not careful. Shanghai is known for its luxurious lifestyle, and if you want to enjoy the city’s attractions and nightlife, having a larger budget is necessary. For example, eating out at a restaurant in the city can easily cost over 200 RMB, and renting a one bedroom apartment in the center of Shanghai can set you back over 10,000 RMB a month.

What is a Good Salary in Shanghai?

Despite these higher living costs, living in Shanghai can be quite enjoyable if you are able to budget correctly. For those who are able to manage their finances well, earning 18,000 RMB a month can still be enough money to cover all the necessary expenses, save up for vacations and big purchases, and even put money into investments.

Overall, 18,000 RMB is considered to be a good salary in Shanghai. While it may not be enough to live a luxurious lifestyle, it is still enough to live comfortably and enjoy the city’s many attractions. Of course, higher paying jobs in Shanghai will require larger salaries, but for most people 18,000 RMB is a good starting point. So long as you are able to budget correctly, this amount of money should be enough to cover all the necessary expenses in Shanghai and even allow you to save up for the occasional luxury.