There are so many reasons to love autumn; the crisp, cool, breezy and sunny days and the fresh morning air that greets you with an energizing smell. Finally, I can have a drink outside of a restaurant without risking a stroke from the summer heat! Watchin

There are so many reasons to love autumn; the crisp, cool, breezy and sunny days and the fresh morning air that greets you with an energizing smell. Finally, I can have a drink outside of a restaurant without risking a stroke from the summer heat! Watching leaves change color is such an awesome sight! Autumn, why are you so magnificent?



Photo: Quotes Pics

I really love the idea of seasons of life and seasons changing because it gives me optimism to look forward to something new. With this change in weather, I’ve made a little list of all the good things I look forward to during this season and how to take complete advantage of the particular time of the year.

With autumn being the topic of discussion, I guess it’s time we talk about those new boots I am about to gift myself while I go scarf shopping. Who else can’t wait to rock all those comfy sweaters and loose fall clothes?


One of my favorite things about autumn is definitely the long list of food I’m not in the least bit hesitant to eat in large portions because this season is all about eating. Nor have I forgotten the pleasant and warm feeling of being indoors while the rain pours down outside. Nonetheless, the importance of autumn is not only the feeling it brings but the lessons it leaves behind. On a deeper level, it is a message that Mother Earth sends to her offspring as we live our short lives.

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Although autumn is traditionally seen as a period of change leading to the dark of winter, it is the beginning of a cycle.  During the autumn equinox, day and night are of equal length. This signals the need to balance the light and darkness within us. What prompted this understanding in me is how we fear our dark side and hold onto our light. But autumn also teaches us that our inner darkness must be embraced and understood as much as our bright side. The reason is that sometimes there is no remedy for certain life situations than to begin from a point of absolute darkness. Darkness that is abrupt and transition-making can leave us in an entirely different world, one where we are always on our own. And through darkness we find the light.


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Photo: Birmingham mail

The season of autumn is also a reflection of our own lives. As we watch leaves drop to the ground, we are reminded of how temporary everything is. The old things fade away to make way for the new. Past habits, lifestyles, loved ones, actions and experiences – they must all be let go at some point to make way for the new – for things that are meant to be. Autumn is the season that tells us to let go of all that burdens us in order to achieve a more fulfilled life.  Autumn is a time to be gentle on ourselves, to give up all that we detest, and to give generously. In this way we are carried to a more profound place of freedom and inner peace. 


Photo: Pinterest

With these life lessons at our fingertips we are motivated to embrace the autumn season like a closing door- quickly but cautiously.


What do you think about AUTUMN?

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Photo: Askideas

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