Have you ever heard of the four magic technologies of Asia, which refer to the Thai degeneration, the Korean plastic surgery, the Japanese makeup and the Chinese Photoshop skill.
Have you ever heard of the four magic technologies of Asia, which refer to the Thai degeneration, the Korean plastic surgery, the Japanese makeup and the Chinese Photoshop skill.
All of them are quite amazing, as they would make you look better! Let’s take a look at them together.
01 . The Thai Degeneration
In Thailand, there are a special group of people named ladyboy, which is one of the business cards of Thailand.
Though they are males truly, the ladyboys appear to be attractive girls, as they have all taken the world-famous degeneration surgery.
02. The Korean Plastic Surgery
The plastic surgery industry is booming in South Korea.
Many people take the surgery to make them look better, although some even appear to be a totally different person that wouldn’t be recognized by his or her friends.
However, most of those taking the surgery look quite alike after the surgery.
03. The Japanese Makeup
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The Japanese don’t take a surgery to look better. Instead, they resort to the powerful makeup.
Only with cosmetics, they would turn themselves into a pretty girl or a handsome guy. I have to say it is much easier and safer than a surgery.
04. The Chinese Photoshop Skill
The Chinese photoshop skill has already stunned the world. No makeup is required. Instead, one just has to retouch himself or herself in a photo with the help of a mobile or computer application.
Thick eyebrows, prominent noses and big eyes can all be made in the applications
Of course, these are used only to fool people on line, who don’t know who you really look like in the real world.
Thus, if you hope to be as beautiful as you are in the photo, you probably have to take the plastic surgery in South Korea and then study the makeup in Japan.
So are there any such magic skills in your country?