The app has released five different models including a schoolgirl and a nurse. Each doll will be sanitised five times and have its private parts changed after use

The app has released five different models including a schoolgirl and a nurse.  Each doll will be sanitised five times and have its private parts changed after use


Share a girlfriend: The app, called ‘Touch’, launched five sex doll models today and they included Wonder Woman, a school girl, a nurse and a maid  Photo: Daily Mail

A Chinese company has launched an app which would allow customers to rent a  sex doll for £34 a day.

The app, called ‘Touch’, today released silicone models dressed in different characters, including Wonder Woman, a schoolgirl and a maid and a nurse. The clients can customise the hair style and skin colour of their dolls.

The company said they would replace the ‘critical parts’ of the sex dolls for every new customer.


The fee is £34 a day and the company guarantees to change the ‘critical parts’ every time  Photos: Internet

‘Touch’, a company based in Fujian, south-east China, launched its service in the capital city Beijing today as it’s set to ride the waves of China’s booming sharing economy.

The company requires customers to pay a deposit of 8,000 yuan (£914) before hiring a life-size sex doll for 298 yuan (£34) a day. The dolls would be delivered to the customer’s address.

A spokesperson of ‘Touch’ told that the service was aimed at young white-collar workers aged from 20 to 35 years old.


Photos: Internet

The sex dolls are set in five nationalities featuring Chinese, Russian, Korean, and Hong Kong versions, as well as an Amazon-like ‘Wonder Woman’ who comes armed with sword and shield.

All silicone sex dolls are measured at a full adult size and weighed at 29.8kg (4.7 stone).  They are also equipped with voice and heating function.

Customers can customise the doll’s hair styles, eye colour and skin colour. In addition, they can pay to upgrade the doll so it would come with accoutrements like handcuffs and whips.   Special costumes such as nurse and school uniform are at an additional cost of 35 yuan (£4).


(From left to right) The ‘Touch’ app offers sharing sex doll models themed after Hong Kong, Russia, Greece, Korea and Paradise Island  Photo: Daily Mail


Clients can choose their favourite hair styles, eye colour and skin colour for free (left). For additional upgrade, costumes and accoutrements are at additional costs (right)  Photo: Daily Mail

The spokesperson also told the reporter that all sex dolls would be sanitised by professional cleaners for five times for every new customer. The company also guarantees to change the doll’s ‘critical parts’ every time after it is used.

The market price of a life-size silicone sex doll is up to 10,000 yuan (£1,142), according to the company. According to, ‘Touch’ has already got 53 million users on its app and 45 per cent of them were people in their 20s. It’s said that 30 per cent of their customers are female.


Photo: Nextshark

The app was  launched in Apple’s app store on September 11, and it contains  online forums and a shopping page for sex toys.

Users of Weibo, a Twitter-like social media site, are apparently worrying about the hygiene issues of the sharing sex dolls.

‘What if the sex dolls got infected with AIDS?’ One user, called ‘puntielim’, asked.



Photos: Internet

‘So this is not disposable?’ Queried web user ‘ariesscorpio’, who was surprised that the dolls would be cleaned and reused.

Some other people took it as a joke and asked for a male version of sex dolls.

‘Kuailiaoba’ commented: ‘When is sharing boyfriend coming? That’s a bit of gender inequality, is it?’  And ‘1346_th’ questioned what else is left to share in the Chinese market.

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