The digital media industry in China is rapidly developing and therefore there is a huge demand for experienced video editors. But for an American video editors who wants to work in China, he or she has to know how to fit in this job market. Here are some basic suggestions that can assist you to get your desired job and excel in China.

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China media tips for video editors: tip 1

Research Chinese Video Platforms

To become a video editors in China, therefore, it is recommended that one familiarize with the most popular video sites in the country. While in the U. S. it is YouTube and Vimeo that are large, in China it has its own SNs with millions of users daily.

Yang (2016) has described the differences between Western and Chinese platforms in the following way.

Above all, it good to note that Chinese video editors platform are not like the Western ones. For instance, regarding the freedom of content that may be posted, China is more tighten in its regulation. Moreover, people may watch videos or use the given platforms and interfaces in another way than you are used to.

Massive Socializing Apps Such as Douyin, Bilibili & WeChat

In China some of the largest video sharing platforms are Douyin/Tiktok like application, Bilibili, and WeChat. Douyin provides a great platform for short videos, Bilibili enjoys a large number of young users for the long videos and WeChat combines video sharing with social media. It is important to know these platforms so that you can produce content that the Chinese audience like most.

Be aware of the current kind of contents in circulation

You must also learn what type of videos go viral in China, for instance, the Renzalah kind or the cooking sort. Although some trends are the same globally, certain categories of content make the Chinese audience most interested.

Topics Likely to Become Popular in the Coming Months in China

Now, short videos, live shopping, and teaching videos are rather trending. An instance is videos that have Chinese cultural references or have cast Chinese influencers. By following these trends, one shall be in a better position to produce videos that the people of china would like to watch.

Arguments as to whether users prefer local or international content

Despite the fact that there is tendency of Chinese people to watch and engage with international content, they are fascinated with videos produced within Chinese context. Thus, being an American video editors, you can afford to merge foreign trends with the domestic preferences.

Tip 2: Get acquainted with the key technical competencies.

Here, are guidelines on how to familiarize yourself with the Chinese editing software:

If you want to become successful in China’s video editing industry, expect that you have to familiarize yourself with the technologies that the natives prefer. Obviously, Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro are global favorites, but China has its own selection.

Some of these software applications frequently used in China operating systems are:

Although there are many video editing tools available for the users, in China some of them are commonly used for this purpose are Tencent Video Editors and Huoshan Video. These programs are Chinese oriented, and have features only Chinese developers require.. By learning how to use these tools your work will be more appealing to the Chinese employers.

Comparing between the Chinese and the Western software

Chinese editing software can possibly be in another layout, language, or possibly, have better connections with local platforms. Frankly speaking, it is convenient to work with the Western software if you are going international; nevertheless, if you target China’s users and want to create content which is adapted to the Chinese audience, it will be better to use the Chinese tools.

Sharpen Your Pen in the Areas of Motion Graphics and Animations

The application of motion graphics and animation is increasing in China, particularly for advertising and social media. Enhancing the skills that you find most resistant can help you be better positioned for the job market.

New Demand for Streaming of Animated Programs in China

As it is common with many other countries in the digital world, China’s digital world is very much visual and hence animated videos are used to capture people’s attention. Basically, having good motion graphics skills will set you apart, irrespective of the content type, including explainer videos, ads, and interactive videos.

Online Resources for the Development of New Knowledge

Due to advancement in technology, there are various online courses out there, which can assist you to gain more knowledge about motion graphics and animation. Udemy, Skillshare, and Coursera are examples of websites that host classes for all classes of learners. Studying these courses can be quite useful especially when any one is searching for employment opportunities in China.

If you have time, learn some basic Mandarin: ‘Hello,’ ‘Thank you,’ ‘Excuse me,’ and some other basic Chinese phrases may be useful should you find yourself trapped.

Tips 3. Language at Work

While some Chinese companies incorporate the use of English, it is to your advantage to learn as much Mandarin as possible because it will increase your chances of getting a job, and feeling like you belong at the workplace.

Mandarin as a Way to Improve the Communication

It is recommended to have some Mandarin as it is easier to speak with the coworkers and clients even then applying for the international companies. The fact that you are willing to go out of your way to conform to the local culture is a major determinant of whether you will be hired or not.

The elementary skills which make a difference

Although it is not compulsory to speak the language, some ability to engage in basic conversations in Mandarin or even recognizing common phrases in the working place is valued. It might also show you the edits that will be more suitable for china culture.

Resources for Learning Mandarin

Mandarin might sound challenging to learn, but this is something that has resources that you can turn to. There are distance courses that are available online for learners, there are courses which are offered within the local setting by trainers who have deemed it fit to teach learners.

E-learning and m-learning.

Tools such as Duolingo, Babbel, and HelloChinese keeps the learner engaged in learning Mandarin whenever he or she is. It was also found that there were more controlled courses in platforms such as Coursera, and edX which are suitable for students who want to get a beginner level tutorial.

Language Exchange Programs and Local Classes Further, LF has been focused on Language Exchange Programs for its customers to converse with native speakers and learn more about the local language and culture, as well as offering classes that are based on local amenities.

Daily use may be obtained from language exchange or from classes within the area that teach Mandarin. They also give you an ideal avenue by which to make new friends and become even more immersed in the culture.

Tip 4: Network with Industry Professionals

Go to Industry Functions and Meetings

Networking is also important in any field, and this is equally so for the media market in China. Indeed, one can go around and seek people to talk to, as well as carrying out research about available jobs in particular industries from manufacturers.

Five Large-scale Festivals for Video Editors in China

CICAF and SIFF are recognized events to network with the industry professionals and filmmakers. Such occasions always entail area, talks and business opportunities for Video editors.

Means on How to Maximize in Such Occasions

As for the best practice, it is possible to invite business cards, portfolio and, finally, ideas of what you expect. Discuss with the other attendees, get interaction responses or feedback, and feel free to contact those you meet.

Get Online Communities and Forums

Apart from face-to-face interaction, the best way involves participation in online forums in order to learn the status of the industry and new trends.

Some of the Online Communities of Video Editors in China

There are various Q & A sites similar to Quora, Zhihu and there are various forums for the video editors active in China such as VGtime. I have mentioned these communities as some of the best platforms to post your works, seek advice, and want to know from other professionals.

Strategies on How to Engage in Social Media Platforms and Establish Friendship

If you are a member of online communities, do participate and post something of value. Contribute information, provide critiques and contribute to pertinent forums. Improve relationships that are formed online can result in recommendations for a job as well as partnerships.

Tip 5: Adapt to Chinese Work Culture

Understand the Hierarchical Structure

It is important to note that, when comparing Chinese workplaces with the workplaces across the border in the western countries, the power distance relationship in the latter is relatively more flat than in the former. It is thus important that one understands this hierarchy and conforms to get a good standing in the organization.

Understanding Chinese Power Culture

Thus, the authority is highly centralized, and individuals with higher levels of experience have considerable power in the Chinese firms. One has to be obedient and be polite in interactions with bigger ups or other subordinates. The reversal of that power dynamic does not bode well for the top rung of the corporate ladder, but having good relations with those above you can help with advancement.

The Perspectives of Analysis of Respect and Formality

There is a great emphasis on courtesy and politeness or what may be referred to as workplace etiquette in China. This includes how one speaks to other employees and ones bosses, the formalities that are used, and having proper etiquette at work.

Work Ethic and Expectations

The Chinese work culture is characterized like in many Asian cultures, as highly motivated, and with a strong work ethic. In some occupations you may hear of the ‘996’ working cycle, from 9:00 in the morning to 9:00 at night, six days a week. So you need to comprehend these expectations and do all necessary to meet these expectations and be successful.

The work culture that can be regarded as the key concept is what is known as “996,” which stands for 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., six days a week.

This ‘996’ schedule is rather typical for many Chinese tech and media businesses. It can be viewed as a sign of high level of commitment and work. Despite the fact that the above schedule may be quite hectic, it is quite possible to know how best to operate in such a system effectively.

Work-life balance is at the heart of a good working environment as well as a successful economy and it is important to know how to balance the two in China.

Managing work and other responsibilities can be rather challenging in a highly stressful workplace. Restrictions have to be defined, tasks have to be given higher priorities and it is mandatory for one to take some rest. It is important to reach what I will call a workable equilibrium that is suitable to achieve long term goals and be healthy.

Currently being a video editor in China, there are different opportunities that are available in the market and so working as a video editor can be very fruitful. Thereby, local media knowledge, skill acquisition, basic Mandarin, professional contacts, and getting a hold of Chinese corporate culture are some ways of enhancing the campaign’s success. The following tips will assist you in how to find a job and how best to manage your experience in China.


That is, what is the skill set sought after most for video editing in China?

Fluent in motion graphics and animations, and knowledge of the local video editing software are among the most relevant skills for video editors of China.

How crucial is it to know Mandarin as a video editor in China?

Although it may not be necessary at times, knowing the basic Mandarin would be beneficial and also augment employment chances as well as social adjustment at the place of work.

What kinds of problems do you think are typical for video editors from America working in China?

Some others are having to fit into the China working environment and culture, establish a sound understanding with the Chinese Media and language challenges.

Where can one get employment of a video editor in China?

Referral, contacting other professionals during conferences, participation in groups, as well as employment websites and job boards common in the area are good ways to search for a job.

Is it compulsory to have working experiences in China to apply various positions?

Although not a requirement, candidates with experience working in China will be an advantage as it will prove that the candidate can work within the Chinese market.