China is fast developing, and its cities are evolving at an incredible rate. It results in several employment opportunities in urban growth mainly to the foreigners. The following are the top five urban development jobs for foreigners in this article. That is why we will talk about what work is associated with such jobs, what you need to do to get such work, and what advantages can a person receive in this sphere.

1. Urban Development Planner


This is because the urban planners assist in the urban development and the process of enhancing cities. These are to ensure that cities develop in an intelligent way with special focus on the natural environment.


Urban planners do many important tasks, including:Urban planners do many important tasks, including:

  • Researching: They keep track of various populations and land use so that they are able to learn how to plan better.
  • Creating Plans: Such organizations create the master plans for neighborhoods, and city areas as well.
  • Working with the Community: They get feedback from people on the ground and other authorities they have in their planned destinations.
  • Making Policies: They assist in the formulation of policies that encourage sustainable urban development.


To become an urban planner, you usually need:To become an urban planner, you usually need

  • Education: The candidates should have a minimum of working experience and formal education qualification that includes a degree in any field with emphasis on urban planning, geography or related aspects.
  • Skills: It is advantageous if you know about Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
  • Language: The use of Mandarin can be of help for local staff if one is to communicate with them effectively.
  • Cultural Understanding: One must be aware of the local practices existing in the country to enable one to plan adequately.

Career Benefits

Working as an urban development planner offers many advantages:Working as an urban planner offers many advantages:

  • Make a Difference: Planners contribute to the formation of communities and enhancement of people’s lives.
  • Growth Opportunities: The experience of the planners can be promoted to senior roles.
  • Cultural Experience: It is an opportunity to discover an outstanding country and its culture while residing in China.

2. Environmental Consultant


Environmental consultants specialize in how to address issues of the environment during the process of urban development of urbanization. They apply environmental rules to projects in order to be carried out.


Environmental consultants perform various tasks, such as:

  • Assessing Projects: They assess the impact level of the projects on the environment.
  • Advising on Regulations: They assist organizations to appreciate the processes and the laws governing the environment.
  • Developing Sustainability Plans: They develop ways of effectively managing available resources.
  • Engaging with the Public: This means that they sit down with the community to address some of the concerns touching on the environment.


To work as an environmental consultant, you typically need

  • Education: Basic qualifications: A degree in environmental science, engineering or related field.
  • Experience: Prior experience on environmental assessments is preferred.
  • Knowledge of Laws: It is, therefore, important to comprehend some of the existing Chinese environmental regulations.
  • Analytical Skills: Decision making to offer recommendations based on some data is also a key factor.

Career Benefits

The benefits of being an environmental consultant include:

  • High Demand: The demand for people with journalism background and of environmentalists is on the rise.
  • Variety of Work: The work explained is unique in each project allowing these individuals to have varied learning they go through.
  • Positive Impact: All in all, consultants are useful in the creation of a better environment for all.

3. Project Manager


In the course of overseeing urban development projects, managers are involved. They ensure that the projects are well accomplished to the required time and allowable resources are used.


Project managers have many duties, including:

  • Planning: They prepare project blueprints that have time and cost lines with a view of executing the project.
  • Managing Teams: This occupation is in charge of directing teams of professionals among them being architects and engineers.
  • Communicating with Stakeholders: Communicative: they always update all project stakeholders on the progress of the project.
  • Managing Risks: They predict difficulties and look for a way out.


To become a project manager, you usually need:

  • Education: Education: a degree in project management, civil engineering or other related degree.
  • Experience: Past jobs related to urban development or construction would be of more advantage.
  • Certification: Research has also shown that if one has to get a PMP (Project Management Professional) certification then their chances of getting a job will be enhanced.
  • Language Skills: Depending on the location the accompanying interpreter may also be necessary though mastery of the mandarin language is standard.

Career Benefits

Being a project manager offers many benefits:

  • Diverse Projects: They are involved in various projects that they undertake for housing, infrastructure projects among others.
  • Career Advancement: Skills of higher level of successful managers can help them to transfer to senior positions.
  • Leadership Skills: This role plays an important role in the urban development of such leadership skills that are quite useful.

4. Transportation Planner


Transportation architects create ways of transporting people and goods within cities with an aim of improving the living standards of the society. It assists in making a traffic congestion free environment while enhancing the provision of public transports.


Transportation planners are involved in:

  • Analyzing Traffic: They analyze the traffic flow in order to make conclusions on transport demand.
  • Developing Models: They develop transportation models in order to estimate the future requirements.
  • Planning Public Transit: Both engage with officials in order to enhance the bus and train services.
  • Community Engagement: They also openly consult the people through means of holding forums in relation to transport projects.


To work as a transportation planner, you typically need:

  • Education: Transit operations planning, or any degree in civil engineering, urban planning or any related major.
  • Technical Skills: Ideally the candidate will have experience with transportation modeling software.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Reasoning skills remain critical to the performance of the jobs that will be advertised.
  • Language Proficiency: Speaking Mandarin is important in making communication.

Career Benefits

The benefits of being a transportation planner include:

  • Growing Field: There is the growing need for transportation planners.
  • Community Impact: They ensure that people within the areas get easy access and transport within their premises.
  • Networking Opportunities: It is always good to have a network with different stakeholders since this creates a network.

5. Real Estate urban Development Manager


Specialized in the management of a building or a real estate project, these managers are responsible for an undertaking in the construction of housing estates, corporate buildings among others.


Real estate development managers are responsible for:

  • Site Analysis: Search and selection of prospective development sites.
  • Coordinating Projects: In the development process of the product, the company cooperates with architects and contractors.
  • Managing Regulations: Another is to make sure that all projects meet the country’s legal requirements.
  • Financial Management: Supervising budgets and financial statements in order to increase the likelihood of completion of projects.


To become a real estate development manager, you typically need:

  • Education: Experience of at least five years in real estate, finance, or urban planning, a degree in any of the three.
  • Experience: Experience is positive in real estate development.
  • Negotiation Skills: These skills include good communication and in particular good negotiation skills.
  • Cultural Awareness: It is also good to have knowledge of the culture and practices that are held in the region.

Career Benefits

The benefits of being a real estate development manager include:

  • Dynamic Work: Managers are engaged in different tasks, related to the development of the urban territories.
  • High Earning Potential: Sales can be of very high value to the business if the real estate development has been undertaken.
  • Strategic Influence: They have an essential function of leading the urban development process.

One can find numerous employment opportunities in China’s urban development jobs for foreigners. Such professions as urban planner, environmental consultant, project manager, transportation planner, the manager of real estate development can offer not only an impressive remuneration, but also an opportunity to improve the current city space. With the future development of China as the country’s powerhouse, more talented people will be key in determining the progress of its cities.


1. What education requirements should one fulfill to work in urban development jobs in China?

Almost all of them need a degree in the specialized field and minimum work experience. Knowledge of Mandarin language may be an added advantage.

2. Is there employment to be found for overseas workers in the urban sector?

Indeed, the relevance of skills and a different point of view of foreign professionals is appreciated in many organizations.

3. How much does China pay their urban development employees?

Wages are dependent on the job announced and the experience of the person; however, they are typically comparable to the average wages in the country.

4. That’s why I am looking for urban development jobs in China.

You may search from the appointments available on the job openings, the various forums you get to meet new people and you may search from the various websites you find within the different specialties.

5. Does it mean then that past experience is essential for these positions?

Some of the positions may call for some experience while there are junior places of employment for newcomers who have graduated.

Foreigners can choose to work in the field of urban development in China and help shape terrific cities for people’s living while utilizing their skills.