Aircraft maintenance company Ameco Beijing said its technicians violated rules when leaving a tool bag hanging from a plane as it flew from Beijing to northwestern Lanzhou City on 22-May , a dangerous misstep that could endanger the plane’s landing.

Aircraft maintenance company Ameco Beijing said its technicians violated rules when leaving a tool bag hanging from a plane as it flew from Beijing to northwestern Lanzhou City on 22-May , a dangerous misstep that could endanger the plane’s landing.


This combo photo shows a tool bag that bears the word Ameco hanging on a plane. Photo: weibo

As there was a heavy rain in Beijing on Monday, the employee put the bag on the wheels to keep it dry but forgot to retrieve it before the plane took off.

The social media account FATIII first posted on its Sina Weibo that the black tool bag, bearing the word Ameco, was left on landing gear while it rained at Capital International Airport and forgotten before the Air China plane’s departure. The flight was about 2 hours and 35 minutes.

Even strong winds of up to 100 knots didn’t blow it away, nor did it drop down on landing,” according to the post, which was forwarded 1,292 times and went viral.

FATIII, which shares civil aviation news and knowledge, later said it was a serious mistake and the consequences could have been huge. Experts said the plane could have had difficulties on landing due to the bag.

Ameco, which provides maintenance, repair and operations for commercial aircraft at the airport, said technicians breached standard procedures by leaving the bag under the plane amid strong rainfall.

The company pledged to handle the issue according to rules and improve its management.

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