Compared with Chinese, Foreigners are much easier to get a Chinese driver license, since they only need to pass the written exam, the easiest part of Chinese driver license exam system.

Compared with Chinese, Foreigners are much easier to get a Chinese driver license, since they only need to pass the written exam, the easiest part of Chinese driver license exam system.

To let you understand and prepare well for the Chinese driver license exam, we made a foreign friendly mini program. You can easily study and take a sim exam there, and the tool automatically records your study history, showing you which part you are weak. All questions are based on the question pool of national Chinese driver license exam, it applies to any city in China.



Study First


1. Choose Your Study Lesson


The study has 4 parts, and 899 questions, those questions all potentially possible show up in your real exam, so leave sufficient time to study! Tap to enlarge the image below, you can see what is about in each part, click in to study.



2. Check The Result


See the example of my Part 1.1 study below, my choice “B” is wrong, it automatically shows the correct one with a “√”, slide left, it let me answer the next question. I can go check all results by hitting the bottom bar after finishing this part.

Bravos! The result page shows me the accuracy, I can choose “Check wrong answers”, and hit the number of questions to restudy again.


How Many Scores Can I Get?

After all the learning, it’s time for a sim exam, set up your timer for 45 minutes to start, there is no break in the middle for answering 100 questions, so you must focus on. You can only see the accuracy after finishing all questions and submit the answers.


The grey circles below are all the wrong answers in this exam, you can check one by one by hitting them, and it will turn to the page of the complete question, also shows you the correct answer with “√”.


Keep An Effective Way to Study

Every question has a 1/9 probability appears on your real exam, is it necessary to study all? The first time you should finish 4 parts of the study. After that, there are two ways we recommend you to do.

  • Redo all the wrong answers


Go to “Me”, you will see Study history and Exam history, these two functions have recorded all your wrong answers, click in, check it and redo. Keep a good habit every day.


  • Keep answering 10 questions every day

On the homepage of the mini program, the function “Question of the day” randomly daily updates the questions, which the most likely to get wrong. Just spending a few seconds per day makes you study more effectively.

Get Ready to Drive in China?


If you take the above steps, you can prepare very well in a week. After that, it’s the best time to apply for Chinese driver license. Hit the right bottom on the homepage, start applying for a Chinese driver license is just one step.







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