A toddler in China died after falling from a tower block after her playmates sent her up to the 18th floor of a high-rise alone on July 3.

A toddler in China died after falling from a tower block after her playmates sent her up to the 18th floor of a high-rise alone on July 3.


The three children can be seen playing in the elevator and pressing the buttons Photo:Asiawire

Security footage from the lift shows the last few minutes before the toddler fell to her tragic death. 

The three young children can be seen playing in the elevator before they then get out. 

However one boy picks up Li Li and pushes her back in the lift. He then presses the button for the 18th floor. 

Li Li can be seen banging on the door of the lift as it continues to climb upwards. 


The child was placed into the elevator and can be seen banging the doors Photo:Asiawire

She then gets out of the elevator completely alone. 

According to reports she then fell down a gap between the residential building, falling onto the first-floor terrace where she was later found. 


It’s thought that she fell from a gap in on the 18th floor and died from her injuries Photo:Asiawire

The girl was being minded by her grandmother at the time and neighbours found her body. 

Local police are now investigating the case. 


Paying respects: A candle-lit vigil has since been held for the girl  Photo:Asiawire

This case remind us don’t leave your child alone at home or to the care by elder children.

But the below little girl,  live with the savage father….

A 37-year-old Chinese man has been arrested for a savage attack on his young daughter in a supermarket, was captured on surveillance cameras and released by Thepaper.cn.


In this still from the video, the father can be seen hitting his daughter with a broom as she lies on the floor. Her little brother stands in the foreground. Photo: Handout

The incident, which was captured by a surveillance camera in the store in eastern China’s Jiangsu province, shows the father approaching the child, who immediately drops to the floor in apparent anticipation of what is to come. The man then slaps her several times as she tries to protect herself.

Seemingly dissatisfied with the punishment he has so far doled out, the father lifts the child off the floor by her left ankle and violently smashes her first into what looks like a display of large plastic bins, and then into a row of chiller cabinets.

As the youngster cowers on the floor, the man takes a broom from a display and repeatedly beats her with it. The ordeal ends only when a crowd of other shoppers notice the incident and run to intervene.


The little girl hobbles away after her shocking ordeal. Photo: Handout

Finally free of her father’s clutches, the little girl hobbles away, clearly in a lot of pain, towards her younger brother. The boy can be seen throughout the footage in the foreground of the shot unable to do anything but watch in horror.

A member of the public contacted the police who arrived on the scene and detained the father, who was identified only by his surname Wei, the report said.

In a statement released on Thursday night on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, Shuyang police quoted Wei as saying that he had punished the child for taking her brother to the store without telling him.

He said he was a single parent and had had custody of the children since divorcing their mother.

The report said that the little girl had wanted to treat her brother to 10 yuan worth of snacks.

The police statement said that Wei had been arrested and would face a 14-day detention.

A person on Reddit wrote: “The girl isn’t crying, nor is the boy, which probably means this is a regular occurrence.”

Another wrote on Weibo that it was “scary that there are no exams on being a parent”.

Thepaper.cn also report a violent clash in eastern China. Not sure his child will learn from his bad behaviour or not.

A simple squabble between two tots at a shopping centre escalated into a violent clash between their parents.



The footage starts with the two girls wrestling over a rope swing. The father of one of the youngsters then appears in the shot, grabs his daughter’s adversary by the back of her party dress and calmly hurls her into a partition wall.

Sitting on the other side of the barrier, however, is the victim’s mother, who immediately clambers over to confront the man. Clearly not averse to using his fists, the man swings a punch at the woman before she even has her feet back on the ground.



As the angle of the shot changes, the woman can be seen landing a blow of her own, before the man grabs her, lifts her off the ground and slams her to the floor.

As the brawl continues, several other people can be seen watching. The film ends with a second woman running to intervene.

The report did not provide any details of the man and woman involved but said the incident had been reported to the police and that an investigation was under way.


When the footage was shared on social media it sparked a huge debate, garnering more than 1,500 comments on Weibo alone.

“How could the man be that rude? He hit a girl and a woman. His child will learn from his bad behaviour,” one person said.

Another was less certain of where the blame should lie.

“Both of them were wrong. The woman didn’t even manage to settle the dispute between the two kids.”

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