China’s rising economy and large talent pool of diversified and highly-skilled labor force have made the country an appealing location for working individuals and enterprises. One common concern among those who are thinking about moving to China or visiting for any length of time is the expense of living there. This essay will analyze the cost of living in China to provide an answer to this pressing subject.

The Cost of Living in China

What Factors Influence the Cost of Living in China?

There are a lot of moving parts when figuring out how much money you’ll need to survive in China. Things like rent or mortgage payments, gas and electric bills, groceries and entertainment expenses all count. And large Chinese cities have a greater cost of living than their smaller counterparts. Prices in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou tend to be much higher than the national average in both rent and property values.


Let’s start with housing. In general, housing costs in China are quite reasonable compared to other countries. Depending on location, a one-bedroom flat may cost anywhere between 1,500RMB and 8,000RMB per month. However, rent in some of the biggest cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, will be higher than in rural areas. For instance, a studio flat may cost around 5,000RMB in Beijing and 4,000RMB in Shanghai. Additionally, you may also incur additional costs such as protection fees and deposits when signing your lease.

Food and Entertainment

In China, food prices are generally quite affordable. A meal at a local eatery may cost no more than 50RMB, while dinner at a high-end restaurant might set you back around 200RMB. Of course, you could easily spend less than that if you choose to dine at places that offer cheaper meals.

When it comes to entertainment, you can find plenty of ways to have a good time at low cost. Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are home to numerous attractions such as museums and parks, while in other cities you can enjoy a night out at the movies, or go shopping at a local market. A movie ticket typically costs around 40RMB, while a night at a karaoke bar may range between 100RMB and 200RMB.

Utility Bills and Groceries

Although utility bills such as electricity and gas are quite affordable in China, you should always factor in the cost of these when planning your budget. In most places, the monthly bill is 100-200RMB. On the other hand, grocery prices will vary from one city to the next. Typically, you can buy a kilo of rice for as little as 6RMB.


Finally, transportation costs in China are also very reasonable. In most cities, a one-way ticket on the metro may cost no more than 5RMB, and the same is valid for trains and buses. Additionally, most cities offer bike-sharing services such as Biki and Mobike, which cost about 1RMB for every hour spent riding.

The Cost of Living in China

How Much Do You Need to Live Comfortably in China?

A lower cost of living may be expected in China, particularly in the country’s less populous and less industrialized towns. How much money you will need to support your current way of life and your aspirations in China might be estimated in light of these factors.

Budget between 10,000 and 15,000 RMB monthly to rent an apartment if you want to have a modest lifestyle that includes going out on weekends and seeing local sites. An extra 3,000RMB is needed to cover incidental costs like travel and entertainment.

But, if you plan on treating yourself to the finer things in life and seeing the country’s top attractions, you may need a much larger monthly budget. Add at least 5,000RMB to the aforementioned amount if you plan on doing anything really fancy.