The term “international” has gained popularity in Chinese education. It’s no wonder parents are sending their children abroad to escape the stifling public school system: English instructors are in great demand. Teachers who go to China will have little trouble finding work, but finding a post that is a good match might be tough. Consider applying to an international school or a Chinese school with an international program if you have previous teaching experience.

Teaching Jobs China International Schools

When it comes to finding a job at a Chinese international school, there are a few different paths you might pursue. We’ll look at both the foreign schools and the Chinese international programs.

Explore Teaching Jobs China International Schools

These top foreign preparatory schools are then dispersed across Chinese cities as international schools. These schools’ tuition prices may go into the thousands of dollars, leaving them out of reach for most foreigners and Chinese alike. While working at one of these prep schools might be a good bargain for instructors, you cannot just walk in without any qualifications in the field you choose to pursue.

Candidates generally require a teaching credential from their native country to be a classroom teacher in an international school abroad. The Canadian International School in Beijing, for example, requires a Canadian teacher’s credential as one of the prerequisites for admission. Schools like the International Schools of China need applicants to acquire a degree in elementary, secondary, or subject-specific education in order to be eligible for admissions consideration.

It also helps if you’ve taught for a while before. Schools, on the other hand, often employ uncertified teaching assistants, interns, coaches, and substitute instructors. When new instructors are employed at foreign international schools, they are often required to sign a two-year contract.

There are several advantages to working in an international school in another country. Teachers in China are paid far more than they do in the United States, and their salaries are frequently on pace with those of their counterparts in other countries. In addition to housing and professional development opportunities, schools also provide a wide range of social events for their teachers to keep them happy. In comparison to Chinese schools or even public schools in the West, class sizes are much lower.

To work in a Chinese foreign school, you have a few options. Most colleges and universities have job postings right on their website, but sorting through them all may be a hassle. Searching via an agency or attending an international school expo are the other options. There are many fairs organized by the Council of International Schools each year, and International Schools Services hosts a smaller one in Asia each winter.

Apply to either one or both of these organizations if you’re serious about finding a position at an international school in another country. They will be honest with you about your marketability and do their utmost to assist you in finding work.

Chinese Programs Abroad

Many Chinese institutions offer AP and IB foreign programs to Chinese students who want to pursue further education in the United States or the United Kingdom. While a Chinese international program (which may be a whole school in and of itself) is similar to an international school abroad, there are several distinctions.

Barb, a former middle school science teacher who now teaches at an IB school in Beijing, noted that despite its status as an international school, her institution used a Chinese calendar. This implies two and half hours of sleep in the middle of the day, morning military drills, etc. on a Chinese schedule. For a Chinese classroom, Barb’s courses were modestly sized (with around 30 students), but they were much bigger than the ones she had taught in her previous employment as a public school teacher in the United States.

Other instructors considering teaching in Chinese programs, like Barb, should thoroughly research the school before signing a contract and, if possible, visit the campus in person. Her advice for students was to be careful about where they enroll since “you might get caught in some very dodgy places.”

As a result, teachers in overseas programs are often expected to develop their own curricula with minimal guidance from administrators or other school personnel. A board of foreign program directors in Australia had to approve Barb’s curriculum, but the resources handed to her were frequently problematic. “There were errors in the scientific book, and it was not an interesting read. There was no math book for the math professors.” As instructors in the Chinese system do not have their own classroom, she claimed she had to sort out all lab items and bring them about with her. First semester, she taught two classrooms of students who couldn’t even communicate in English, much alone grasp middle school science. She struggled mightily.

“School is hard worldwide,” she said. “Chinese students are fantastic,” she said. You’ll be successful if you like dealing with children.

The benefits of creating her own curriculum were many. “I was given a great deal of latitude. We investigated acid rain in the Temple of Heaven as part of an interdisciplinary lesson that included history and science. We took the kids to the high school lab one day, where they got to use microscopes to examine flowers under the microscope.

For the most part, a Chinese international program will take excellent care of foreign instructors, providing everything from Western-style lodging and meal plans to reimbursement for airline tickets and, of course, assistance with obtaining visas. A teacher may earn more for longer teaching hours, therefore the remuneration is better than what one would get in a Chinese public school.

Teaching Jobs China International Schools

This job would be ideal for a more seasoned educator with expertise working inside the Chinese educational system who is also comfortable designing their own curricula. AP and IB teaching hours may be obtained this manner before relocating to an international school abroad or to a school in one’s own country.

The Beijinger and eChinacities, two expat-friendly employment platforms, often post openings for Chinese foreign programs on their own websites. Several Chinese international schools are customers of Carney Sandoe and Search Associates. For employment visa purposes, most institutions prefer applicants who have at least two years of teaching experience under their belts.