I was reading the internet one day after graduating from university when I came across a blog on teaching in China that I had never seen before. I was intrigued and decided to learn more. I took the decision to look for a teaching position in China, an d I embarked on a new life path that would last for an indefinite period of time. Since a consequence, my choice has not left me feeling dissatisfied, as I have gained a great deal from my prior experience as a primary school teacher in Beijing. How would you describe your experience as an international teacher at a Chinese elementary school, and what problems you could face in this position?
How is Teaching In A Primary School In China
In order to illustrate my idea, I’ll use myself as an example in this section.
It takes around 40 minutes to earn an hourly income of USD 40.
The actual class time is around 12 hours per week (at the maximum) in length (2 days of vacation)
I use the services of a teaching assistant to help me in further structuring the class and giving interpretation when pupils are having problems understanding what I am saying. He or she is a tremendous asset!)
Office hours are flexible and do not follow a set schedule, however they are around 5 hours each week.
Instructors in the department are also granted 4-6 weeks of paid vacation each year (about 1.5 months)
There were a total of 25 students in attendance for the session.
The talk will be around 40 minutes in length overall (10 minutes to break between the two sessions)
It is common practice for most schools to assign a “contract teacher,” who will assist foreign instructors in completing the necessary paperwork and setting up a bank account as well as alerting relevant notifications and even assisting teachers in dealing with everyday staff when necessary, such as transporting a foreign instructor to the hospital.
Schools, as opposed to private language centers, provide teachers with greater flexibility in terms of selecting instructional materials and developing lesson plans for their students (in accordance with the provided syllabus). Additionally, teachers are in charge of determining the structure of each class as well the activities that take place within it. I provide a substantial amount of homework to my students and create a range of tasks that are tailored to their individual interests, which they seem to like. Students are more likely to accept your course if they are in an engaging and enjoyable learning atmosphere, according to research.
Being able to work in China allows me to retain a healthy work-life balance while earning a respectable wage and working in an environment with low levels of stress is a huge plus for me. The people in my immediate vicinity are kind and respectful, and I like working in China. As a result, I feel respected in my job as a teacher in China, and I enjoy working in China. Consider migrating to China and applying for teaching positions if you are passionate about the subject of education.