China has turned into one of the most preferred countries in which foreign professionals decide to teach English or support learning processes. The teaching assistant positions become the most attractive ones among foreign students who are willing to do an internship in China to discover the culture of this country and receive some practical working experience. In this article, We will focus on the prospect, advantage and condition of foreigners who want to work as teaching assistants in China.

Table of Contents

Why Should One Choose China for Teaching Assistant Positions?

Increasing need for English Learning

This accounts to the fact that teaching opportunities have increased for foreigners due to the increased demand for English education in china. English is now among those vital components which determine success in the spheres of business, technology and academics. Therefore, more schools in China are now employing native and fluent English speaking personnel to boost their language programmes.

Expanding International Schools Network

On a bright side, the number of international schools all around China is on the rise and that means a lot of vacancies for teaching assistants. These schools admit students’ children from expatriates and Chinese students who aim at getting international education. This network creates a perfect working environment for the foreigner who will be able to work in a cross- cultural education institution.

  1. Minimum Requirements for Foreign TA’s

Language Proficiency Requirements

Although certification is done in English, it is not compulsory for the person to be a native English speaker. In many schools the teachers who in effect have to teach the students are fluent English speaking individuals from different parts of the world. That being said, prior knowledge of Mandarin is not mandatory but can be of quite of benefit when it comes to communicating with this clients, most of whom are from China.

Teaching Experience and Certification

It is very possible that some schools will demand one or the other or a teaching experience or a certification in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language especially when serving as a teacher in a foreign school whether international or a private school). However, in most positions, which an assistant may find himself or herself working in, passion for education, coupled with willingness to learn is just as important.

3. The Schools That Hire Teaching Assistants in China Are Particular to Their Kind

Public Schools

English is gradually being introduced to the public schools in China and to supplement this, teaching assistants from other countries are recruited. These positions are quite unique since they provide one a chance to work closely with Chinese learners and get acquainted with the Chinese education system.

International Schools

The International schools on the other hand are mostly serving the needs of the expatriate population and some of the rich Chinese who wish to educate their children in a Western system. These schools have a tendency to use International curriculum like I.B.O or Cambridge, and basically, the demand for the foreign T.A’s will be higher.

Private Language Institutes

In China there are hundreds of private language institutes and many of them employ foreign talents particularly for English language teaching. Such institutes operate usually with evening and weekends thereby making it flexible for those who wish to work part time.

4. What a Teaching Assistant Does in China

Supporting the Lead Teacher

A teaching assistant directly works under the main teacher by performing such tasks as supervising students in the classroom, preparing teaching aids, and facilitating lessons. Such support enables the teacher to engage more in the delivery of individualized form of teaching.

Facilitating Classroom Activities

Teaching assistants usually supervise some of the group tasks where students are allowed to enhance their use of the language as well as writing tasks. Their role is very vital in ensuring that every learner gets the attention that he or she requires.

Managing Student Engagement

Maintaining students’ interest while learning in particular when it comes to the learning of an additional language is not easy. Teaching assistants are also helpful as they help in ensuring that children have an active and cheerful classroom experience.

5. On the basis of the analysis of the articles, I understand what benefits I can have as a teaching assistant in China.

Cultural Exchange and Immersion

Another big advantage which one can name for becoming a teaching assistant in China is an opportunity to taste Chinese Culture. Foreigners who stay and work in china are are privileged to submerse themselves within the Chinese language, culture and way of life.

Career Development Opportunities

Teaching assistant can be regarded as a great opportunity for those students who are interested in education field and want to start their career. The experience you gain, however does serve not only the purpose of building up your resume, but also paves way for other positions of teaching career or even administrative posts in schools.

6. Step by Step Guide on How to Getting Teaching Assistant Vacancies in China

Researching Job Platforms

We have provided below the websites suitable for foreign teachers interested in teaching jobs in China; however, there are many more Websites that exist For this purpose The websites include; Teach Away, Dave’s ESL Cafe, China Teaching Jobs. These websites consist of a list of various opportunities along with information on how to go about the application process.

Interacting with the Schools and Recruiters

It is important to network as a way of securing the teaching assistant job in China. To improve one’s chance of landing an appropriate position one can go to expatriate associations, job fairs, and approach schools on the persons own accord.

Preparing a Standout Resume

In your resume you should emphasize on the language abilities, education and any prior experience in teaching. Still, if you don’t have the formal experience, which might be common in the case of candidates with millions of subscribers, it is possible to demonstrate enthusiasm in education and it can play a role.

7. Admission Procedures with Respect to Teaching Assistants from Abroad

Work Visa and Residency Permits

In order for a foreigner to be legally employed in China, he/she must have this Z visa which is given by the Chinese government for employment. Your employer will in most cases assist with the application process together with dwelling permits required for residency.

Criminal Background Checks

A lot of schools also ask the foreign applicant to include a criminal record check in their visa application process. This process should be done as early as possible to ensure that one does not be disadvantaged in any way with their application.

8. Salary and Benefits for Teaching Assistants in China

Average Salary Ranges

Teaching assistant pay scale in china differ according to the school type and geographical location. Both on a low level and high level, the amount of payments that the foreign teaching assistants will be able to expect to receive will range between 8000 to 15000 RMB each month.

Additional Perks and Benefits

There are also additional incentives such as provided housing allowance, free food and transport allowance among other facilities given by many schools. Some of the international schools also come and come with some health insurance and paid holidays too.

9. Studying and working in China as a Foreign teaching Assistant

Housing and Accommodation

Many schools provide student housing through hostels or intended building or provide a housing subsidy to cater for accommodation expenses. Depending on the city, the cost of renting an apartment is relatively high in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai; this is however cheaper in second-tier cities.

Navigating Daily Life

Staying in China is never a walk in the park, this is because of language barrier, transport and most importantly foods. Still, the majority of the foreign individuals felt that it is comforting when the first months up to the first year become easier through the support of fellow expatriates.

10. Burdocks Experienced by Foreign TA’s

Language Barriers

For most internationals, Chinese is not necessary in their profession but communicating with people on the streets, in shops, etc. becomes difficult if one does not learn basics of Manderin. As we have seen, this may sound like a cliché however, the ability to master some key phrases in an alien language does make a lot of difference in terms of communication with embracing foreign clients.

Cultural Adjustments

As in most far eastern countries, Chinese classroom culture is much different from the culture that most foreigners are exposed to. There is a strict hierarchy and discipline as well as respect for the authority which is different from European culture.

11. Professionals’ Investigation into Teaching Assistant Success in China

Creating Good Relationship with the Students

If you spend time in getting acquainted with your students and the ways in which they learn it will be beneficial to you if you are a teaching assistant. This is because when teachers are able to develop a good rapport with their student the outcome is usually positive in a learning environment.

Continuous Professional Development

To educate oneself more and enhance one’s career as a teacher, it is advisable to look for ways and means to pursue professional development including attendance of workshops or enrolling for online courses.

12. Some of the Popular Beliefs and Misconceptions about Teaching Assistants in China

Myth one; PTE is for local English speakers.

Many schools require native English speakers but many schools also offer opportunities for people who may not be from the English speaking countries but speak it fluently. The important thing is that you should manage to address the students in such a way that they will also find interesting.

Second, Inability To Provide Career Advancement Opportunities

One of the common myths is that the positions of teaching assistants are limited with little chances for career promotion. In fact, most of the teaching assistants apply these roles as a spring board in their careers. After the years of practice and passion you can become the leader of the teachers, you can become curriculum developer for the school or even take up administrative positions at the school.

13. Teaching assistants in the future : Chinese perspective

Increasing Demand for Bilingual Education

The education market in China is very dynamic with increasing focus placed on the system of bilingual education. Due to the increased enrollment of children in schools in China so as to enable them stand a better chance in the competitive global economy, the need for English teaching assistants in both the public and private entities is expected to increase.

Increase in the Availability of Online Classes

Another trend defining the future for teaching assistants is the development of digital education. E-learning platforms are gradually becoming popular in China, which can help foreign teaching assistants, namely working as teaching assistants in rural areas where few foreign teachers can go.

Final Thoughts

Teaching assistant job is another great opportunity for personal and professional integration if done in China. It is a good opportunity to discover one of the most popular cultures in the world, to gain some teaching experience, as well as find a new job in the country. Such opportunities can be a very enriching experience to everyone, whether one is a seasoned teacher or a new comer in the said field in China’s dynamic education market.


1. Is it necessary to learn mandarin in order to became a teaching assistant in china?

Special note: Most of the teaching assistant jobs in China do not need Mandarin language skills. But, picking up some simple words and phrases will assist you to acclimatise to this aspect of living in the country and interacting with the native staff and students.

2. Can non native English speakers apply for the teaching assistant jobs in china?

Yes, lots of schools In China embrace individuals with good English speaking skills regardless of fluency of the individual being a native English speaker. Communication skills must be effective as well as other qualifications that the school expects from students.

3. What is the contract period for the teaching assistant jobs in china?

The contracts with the teaching assistants prevalent in China are one year contracts, however short term and summer terms are also possible depending upon the requirements of the school.

4. What do I need to do for my Visa, will the school assist me on that?

You bet, established institutions will help you get your Z visa (working visa) as well as any residence permits you may require.

5. Main difficulties of foreign teaching assistants in China?

The following are some of the difficulties that most Chinese students experience; language barrier, difference in culture and their learning process of adopting the teaching methods used in China schools. Nonetheless, some of these difficulties can be easily overcome by most of the teaching assistants coming from different countries once they are assisted by the school.