Good opportunities come to Spanish teaching in China. You will have more chances to teach Spanish in China now and in the future.
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, China has the world’s largest public education service system: 223,683 kindergartens, 65,645 middle schools, 11,202 vocational training schools, and 2,560 universities. Given the importance attached by the Chinese government and society to education, we can foresee that education will continue to develop in the coming years.
Teach Spanish in China
At present, China’s education system is in a period of reform. Two of the recent initiatives relate to Spanish teaching and learning. First, on September 21, 2017, the Chinese government proposed to push a number of high-level universities and disciplines into the top 200 in the world. It is estimated that the plan, known as the “double first-rate” program, will cost about 40 trillion yuan ($6.04 trillion).
The second initiative is about secondary education curriculum reform. From the 2018-2019 school year, middle schools on the Chinese mainland will add French, German and Spanish as elective subjects, and these subjects are likely to be included in the gaokao in the near future.This will undoubtedly give an unprecedented boost to Spanish teaching in China.The demand for teachers with this language as their mother tongue, teacher training, educational consultation, planning of multicultural activities, and textbook development will increase significantly.In fact, this need has emerged since the immediate implementation of the measure was announced in January 2018.
Spanish speaker job China
Both initiatives are related to the government’s “One Belt And One Road” initiative. That means more opportunities for Spanish speakers in China. This initiative aims to connect dozens of countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America through policy and infrastructure connectivity. Spain is willing to take this opportunity to seek cooperation through higher education institutions and actively promote Spanish education in China through the implementation of the “double top” program.
Spanish-language teacher job
The education department of the Spanish embassy in Beijing was established in 2005. According to statistics, there were about 4,236 Spanish students in China that year. Today, the number has exceeded 40,000. According to the official report, there are 34,800 Spanish-language students on campus, and a variety of private educational institutions offering Spanish-language instruction are also flourishing, such as Instituto Cervantes.
Spanish is becoming more important at every stage of education. Currently, 98 universities offer bachelor’s degrees in Spanish and 120 universities offer Spanish courses.In the second half of this year, another nine universities will open Spanish departments. Spanish is still a minor language in China, but its growth potential and future trends are predictable.
Spanish teacher Beijing
The Spanish Ministry of Education is fully aware of the current opportunities and has carried out a series of activities through the education section of the Spanish embassy in Beijing China. Implement, coordinate and follow up bilingual teaching programs in China, provide Spanish teaching resources, cooperate with Instituto Cervantes to organize training for Spanish teachers, cooperate with Chinese and western enterprises to organize training courses and competitions for Chinese students with various Spanish proficiency.