How To Get An Expat Job In China

How To Get An Expat Job In China

For those who are unfamiliar with the region, the Middle Kingdom might be intimidating. However, many expatriates discover that despite cultural differences, language barriers, and other roadblocks, it is possible …

Shanghai Employment Opportunities

Shanghai Employment Opportunities

Because China’s economy is one of the world’s quickest, Shanghai offers many employment possibilities for foreigners. Cities like Shanghai, China’s easternmost port on the Yangtze River, are known for their …

Can foreigners work part time in China?

Can foreigners work part time in China?

Getting a work visa and residency permission, which are required for foreigners to legally work in China, makes it difficult for them to take up part-time employment in China. Most …

Can I get a job in China without knowing Chinese?

Can I get a job in China without knowing Chinese?

It is a common issue among those considering working in China whether or not they should learn the language in order to do so. If you’re asking if it’s feasible …

Types of Part Time Jobs in China

Types of Part Time Jobs in China

Types of Part Time Jobs in China for International Students Teaching English It is the simplest to find an English teaching job in China. The English language instructor does not …

China Public Works

China Public Works

When the Chinese develop, they construct large; from the Great Wall Surface to the Grand Canal to the Three Gorges Dam, it most definitely seems that lots of Chinese building …

Hired in Shanghai

Hired in Shanghai

There was a minute back there, in between endlessly trolling the job boards and ironing my suit for the umpteenth time when I believed I was crazy for quitting my …

International Schools in Shanghai

International Schools in Shanghai

Shanghai has a number of terrific worldwide and bi-lingual schools. Some of these schools cater largely to deportees while others have mostly regional students. We cover several popular colleges in …

How To Get An International Job In China

How To Get An International Job In China

When finding out how to get a job in China as an immigrant, among the main challenges you might stumble upon is the language barrier. Lots of companies require their …

How To Find A Job At A University In China

How To Find A Job At A University In China

University in China can be found in all sizes and shapes: from the popular and prestigious like Tsinghua or Peking in Beijing, which have big worldwide student/teacher populations, to the …
