Regional Sales Manager Jobs In China

Regional Sales Manager Jobs In China

China’s massive population and growing economy provide great opportunities for ambitious foreigners looking to advance their sales careers. Regional sales manager roles with multinational companies allow seasoned professionals to leverage …

Regional Sales Manager In Shanghai

Regional Sales Manager In Shanghai

Is the position of Regional Sales Manager in Shanghai anything that interests you? Yes, you have found the right spot! The thriving metropolis of Shanghai is a veritable treasure trove …

Salary Expectations: What Foreign Regional Managers Can Anticipate in China

Salary Expectations: What Foreign Regional Managers Can Anticipate in China

Foreign regional managers wishing to work in China should evaluate their experience, education, Chinese language abilities, and city when analyzing wage offers. New managers with fewer than 5 years of …

China’s Start-Up Culture: Opportunities for Foreign Entrepreneurs and Managers

China’s Start-Up Culture: Opportunities for Foreign Entrepreneurs and Managers

The Chinese startup sector is vibrant, making it ideal for international entrepreneurs and managers. But why is it exciting? It combines fast technology progress, government assistance, and a large market …

Business Travel in China: Essential Tips for Foreign Regional Managers

Business Travel in China: Essential Tips for Foreign Regional Managers

Understanding cultural differences is essential for business travel in China. Knowledge of local traditions and business manners is essential. Did you realize that nodding or smiling may develop rapport? Remember, …

Mastering Business Etiquette in China for Regional Operations Success

Mastering Business Etiquette in China for Regional Operations Success

Understanding and following Chinese business practice is like mastering a dance: a complex waltz between cultural norms and professional regulations. Having a good grasp of this protocol is not only …

Cross-Border E-commerce Strategies for Regional Managers in China

Cross-Border E-commerce Strategies for Regional Managers in China

Cross-border e-commerce represents a major growth opportunity for companies selling into China. As a regional manager, having the right strategy to take advantage of this opportunity is key to driving …

The Best Chinese Cities for Foreigners Seeking Marketing and Media Jobs

The Best Chinese Cities for Foreigners Seeking Marketing and Media Jobs

Are you a marketing or media pro ready to fly in China’s bustling landscape? The Middle Kingdom is a worldwide economic powerhouse and a growing marketing and media center. In …

A Step-by-Step Guide for Finding Marketing and Media Jobs in China as a Foreigner

A Step-by-Step Guide for Finding Marketing and Media Jobs in China as a Foreigner

Are you brave and want to explore Asia’s bustling marketing and media industry? China may be the ultimate professional playground. This step-by-step guide will help you negotiate China’s complex employment …
