Am I Eligible to teaching english in China in 2021?

Am I Eligible to teaching english in China in 2021?

The qualifications for teaching English in China in 2021 are simple. Unless, of course, they aren’t. The qualifying conditions for becoming a foreign teacher are often misunderstood, particularly because there …

Public Schools in China ESL Jobs

Public Schools in China ESL Jobs

Public schools in China  employment are well-known for being among the lowest-paid ESL careers available, despite the fact that the special perks of these roles are enormous, therefore they may …

What is a good salary in China?

What is a good salary in China?

It’s important to know how much money you’ll be making while searching for a new job. Even if you’re considering teaching English as a second language in China, you’ll want …

Is it easy to get a job in Shanghai?

Is it easy to get a job in Shanghai?

China’s largest metropolis, Shanghai, consistently ranks first on lists of the most attractive places for foreigners to live and work – in no little part because of the large number …

What is the Salary for an English Teacher in China?

What is the Salary for an English Teacher in China?

With the world’s fastest-growing economy and 300 million English students, China is the world’s biggest and one of the most profitable employment marketplaces for teaching English overseas. Given the scope …

How to Become an English Teacher in China in 2022

How to Become an English Teacher in China in 2022

The news is spreading that China is one of the trendiest places for teaching English overseas. China has the world’s biggest employment market for English teachers. With over 1.3 billion …

Is it safe to work in China?

Is it safe to work in China?

As many people are aware, China was the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic in 2020. It was the one nation that took the most extreme steps inside its own boundaries. …

Working as a foreigner in China

Working as a foreigner in China

You’re an expat who’s just arrived in China and is going to start working. Congratulations, then! It’s going to be a wild ride. Your company’s HR department may not be …

How can a foreigner get a job in China?

How can a foreigner get a job in China?

Despite China’s reputation as a global industrial and economic center, foreigners continue to flock to the country from across the globe. In reality, many of the world’s largest corporations have …
