10 Things Awesome People Don’t Do

10 Things Awesome People Don’t Do

10 Habits Remarkable People Give Up Every Day 1. Remarkable people give up playing it safe.   No one has ever achieved greatness by playing it safe. And ironically, in …

Plastic Is Found In Mussels From The European Arctic to China

Plastic Is Found In Mussels From The European Arctic to China

Tiny bits of plastic are contaminating mussels from the European Arctic to China, a new study has revealed. Tiny bits of plastic are contaminating mussels from the European Arctic to …

Foreign Employer Stiffs Workers 600,000 Yuan

Foreign Employer Stiffs Workers 600,000 Yuan

Shanghai’s first case of a foreign employer not paying remuneration to Chinese employees was heard at Qingpu District People’s Court, Xinmin Evening News reported Wednesday. Shanghai’s first case of a …

5 Reasons People Choose to Stay Single

5 Reasons People Choose to Stay Single

Let’s face it, the majority of people who are single are not single because they honestly and truly choose to be that way. Yes, there are people out there who …

8 Awesome Inventions Of 2017

8 Awesome Inventions Of 2017

8 Awesome Inventions Of 2017 1. Bottoms Up Beer System   Photo: Internet Bottoms Up is the revolutionary new way to serve beer. The Bottoms Up system saves time, eliminates …

A DREAM liner! Farmer Who Builds A Full-Size Airbus

A DREAM liner! Farmer Who Builds A Full-Size Airbus

A farmer in China has spent all of his savings realizing his childhood dream – to own an airplane. A farmer in China has spent all of his savings realizing …

Just Six Years, This Foreigner Becomes More Local Than Chinese

Just Six Years, This Foreigner Becomes More Local Than Chinese

“6 Years Ago, I was given the opportunity to study in a country where I had never been before, to experience a culture to which I was completely unknown, and …

Top 10 Best Cities For Start-ups

Top 10 Best Cities For Start-ups

Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen are the top three best cities on the Chinese mainland for launching businesses, according to a report jointly issued by biaozhun007.com, an evaluation agency, and co-working …

48-year-old Mother Has Twins After Her Son Dies Tragically

48-year-old Mother Has Twins After Her Son Dies Tragically

The mother of a firefighter killed in massive chemical explosions in Tianjin in 2015 gave birth to twins at a hospital in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Thursday. The mother of …
