You Can Now Get Your Plane Ticket Refunded For Free!

You Can Now Get Your Plane Ticket Refunded For Free!

Finding cheap flights to travel is easier now more than ever before, butthey also come at a hidden cost. Indeed, discounted tickets also come with a no-refund policy which can …

Solve All Your Administrative Problems With This Expat Service!

Solve All Your Administrative Problems With This Expat Service!

The Shekou Net Valley Government and Enterprise Service Hall (that’s a mouthful) is officially ready to provide its helpful services for the Shenzhen region! And to make it even more …

These Affect you – New Policies Taking Effect from July

These Affect you – New Policies Taking Effect from July

There have been a series of new policies and reforms initiated by China’s government in the first half year of 2018. New direction on roaming fees, the circulation of old …

What? You Can Do That on WeChat Now?

What? You Can Do That on WeChat Now?

A new update for WeChat is out now for iOS devices. The iOS 6.6.7 version introduced a major overhaul. Here is what you can expect: 1. Floating windows 2. Recently …

Don’t Get Caught out by Fake QR Codes

Don’t Get Caught out by Fake QR Codes

Police in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province arrested two suspects who cheated people out of over 10,000 RMB (about 1,470 US dollars), by replacing over 20 downtown merchants’ QR codes, according to …

Chinese Crayfish Fever Has Taken Over The World!

Chinese Crayfish Fever Has Taken Over The World!

If you’re living in China at the moment, have you tried out crayfish yet? Over the past few years, China has found itself in the grip – or should that …

It’s Not Always An Easy Ride For Expats In China

It’s Not Always An Easy Ride For Expats In China

As an expat working in China, you may be the victim of seemingly ‘unfair’ rules due to Chinese labor law. Your rights will be different compared to those of the …

China Sticky Rice Dumplings – Zòng Zi

China Sticky Rice Dumplings – Zòng Zi

China’s Dragon Boat Festival is almost here, most importantly, meaning you guys will have 3 days holiday! For those who don’t know the story behind these much needed days off …

Hassle-free Temporary Residence with WeChat

Hassle-free Temporary Residence with WeChat

Chinese law requires overseas personnel staying more than 24 hours in China to register for temporary residency, unless they are staying in a hotel. The registration process, although simple, has …

China Work Permit Applications Are Getting Easier

China Work Permit Applications Are Getting Easier

In April, the Guangzhou Foreign Experts Bureau issued two documents about new changes on China Work Permit application, which consequently took effect from May 1st. Read on to find out …
