How Much Do Foreign English Teachers Make In China

How Much Do Foreign English Teachers Make In China

Increasingly, people around the world are turning to China for a teaching career. The alluring promise of exploring a new, exciting culture while earning enough to save money often proves …

China Online Jobs

China Online Jobs

Modern employment markets provide new career prospects due to the technology revolution. The internet has made flexible jobs available to anybody with an internet connection. China Online jobs provide several …

Advice For Expats In Shanghai

Advice For Expats In Shanghai

Although relocating to a new nation is often an adventure and a life-changing experience, it can also be a terrifying and massive task. Because of the large expat population in …

How To Make It Freelancing In China

How To Make It Freelancing In China

Struggling to make up your mind about freelancing? Anyone hoping to freelance in China, whether they writers, designers, consultants, trainers, or male models, would do well to arm themselves with …

Teach in Nanjing

Teach in Nanjing

Education and cultural preservation have always been given a high priority in Nanjing, the provincial capital of Jiangsu Province, which dates back to the city’s earliest recorded history. Despite the …

Chinese Boss vs Foreign Boss

Chinese Boss vs Foreign Boss

Modern-day after work is a popular and marketable US custom. While most of the anglosphere and Europe say “let’s get a drink after work,” Americans have skillfully marketed it as …

Beijing vs Shanghai vs Shenzhen

Beijing vs Shanghai vs Shenzhen

It is common for expats to compare the environment, cost of living, nightlife, and other aspects of life in these three cities. However, depending on your job objectives and lifestyle, …

What is it like to live in China

What is it like to live in China

What is it like to live in China? When it comes to the cost of living in China, cities, regions and lifestyles all have a role. If you’re planning on …

Teaching English in Shenzen

Teaching English in Shenzen

Shenzhen is a terrific city for expats. It’s up to you whether you want to make the most of it or keep it as genuine as possible. I speak from …

Benefits of Working in China 2024

Benefits of Working in China 2024

The place where you work will almost certainly have a significant influence on your life and career. As is the case elsewhere, the wild world of work in China has …
