Places in China

Places in China

Places In China, cities are ranked according to their economic status, infrastructure, trade proximity, and, most importantly, population size, since the latter provides a strong indicator of a city’s prominence. …

Job Opportunities in Shanghai for Foreigners

Job Opportunities in Shanghai for Foreigners

Many Shanghai expats are faced with the prospect of being sent abroad by their jobs. However, it might be challenging to obtain work in Shanghai on your own. To succeed …

China Internship Interview

China Internship Interview

Is it time for your internship interview in China? The finish line is in sight. You’ve made it through the first round of screening, with your CV having been authorized …

China Average Yearly Wages – 2024

China Average Yearly Wages – 2024

There has been significant economic growth in China, particularly over the past decade, and this has been reflected in increases to average salaries for skilled workers across all sectors of …

Live In China As A Foreigner

Live In China As A Foreigner

Even while China offers many possibilities for internationals, there are also many dangers for those who don’t play by the rules. Cutting corners, taking shortcuts, or bending the rules might …

How Chinese Communicate

How Chinese Communicate

Communicating with others is a nightmare. It’s already challenging enough to communicate with someone in their or your first language; adding a second language to the mix just makes things …

Foreign Schools In China

Foreign Schools In China

The term “international” has evolved into something of a catchphrase in the Chinese educational system. There is a significant need for foreign instructors since English is in such high demand, …

Teaching Adults English

Teaching Adults English

There has been a rise in the number of Chinese individuals studying the English language in recent years. Teaching English to adults in China may seem like walking a tightrope …

Foreign Teachers

Foreign Teachers

Most foreign teachers in China can attest to the fact that they work alongside Chinese colleagues who are just as competent, hardworking, and intelligent as themselves, but who often put …

Remote Work In China

Remote Work In China

Many of us can get our jobs done just fine without logging a full 40 hours a week at the workplace. Here are the hows and whys of working remote …
