How to face a Job Interview With a Chinese Company

How to face a Job Interview With a Chinese Company

The expanding Chinese economy has opened up a wealth of employment possibilities for both Chinese and foreigners. With its large population and growing economy, China is attracting many individuals who …

Hiring Expats In China

Hiring Expats In China

Remember that the language barrier and the lack of local connections might be detrimental if you’re an expat wondering how to enter China’s burgeoning job market. Make sure you know …

How to prepare for a job interview in Chinese

How to prepare for a job interview in Chinese

China’s fast rising economy and emerging sectors have made it a magnet for global experts. If you want to work in China, you may have a Chinese-language interview. Don’t worry …

Hiring Practices In China

Hiring Practices In China

Last week, we wrote on preparing for a Chinese interview. Now you’re in a panic room. Here are some Chinese interview etiquette recommendations to help you get hired. Overview of …

How Important Is Time In China?

How Important Is Time In China?

Timeliness is valued in a variety of ways across all civilizations. We are instructed that keeping time in China is very essential; thus, what does it mean to be late? …

Can I Teach English in China Without Experience?

Can I Teach English in China Without Experience?

With the increasing economy, there is also a growing need for fluent English instructors in China. However, most individuals disqualify themselves too early since they do not have any teaching …

How to hire employees in China

How to hire employees in China

The best technique to hire people in China must be carefully considered after you have decided to grow your company and begin recruiting in China. This includes concerns such as …

China Interview Issues

China Interview Issues

During an interview, you should anticipate to be asked a variety of questions. There are three common questions that you cannot disregard. In addition to the three most often asked …

Preparing for an Internship or Job Interview in China

Preparing for an Internship or Job Interview in China

In China, getting a job while or after school goes well beyond your CV. To interact with companies, you must consider a few factors. You must show that you understand …

Chinese Job Interviews

Chinese Job Interviews

Many people nowadays want to work overseas. Westerners are also looking for work in China, India, and Eastern Europe. The idea of working abroad is appealing, especially following the recent …
