Foreign Trade Jobs In China

Foreign Trade Jobs In China

Since China became a member of the WTO, foreign trade roles have become an attractive option for job seekers. An estimated 32 million people are employed in the foreign trade …

Jobs for Foreign Nationals in China

Jobs for Foreign Nationals in China

China’s rise to worldwide prominence has made the country an appealing place for people from other countries to go to in search of better lives. The nation has a booming …

Intern in Shenzhen

Intern in Shenzhen

Let me explain why an internship in Shenzhen is a need for your career. Where you do your international internship makes a significant impact in the quality of your experience. …

China Internship Interview

China Internship Interview

Is it time for your internship interview in China? The finish line is in sight. You’ve made it through the first round of screening, with your CV having been authorized …

Internships in China 2024

Internships in China 2024

To this day, I have no idea why all college students and recent grads are required to spend at least one summer interning in China. Although many young people are …

China Average Yearly Wages – 2024

China Average Yearly Wages – 2024

There has been significant economic growth in China, particularly over the past decade, and this has been reflected in increases to average salaries for skilled workers across all sectors of …

Live In China As A Foreigner

Live In China As A Foreigner

Even while China offers many possibilities for internationals, there are also many dangers for those who don’t play by the rules. Cutting corners, taking shortcuts, or bending the rules might …

Teaching English To Adults

Teaching English To Adults

In recent years, there has been a general upward trend in the proportion of the Chinese population that is pursuing education in the English language. It may feel like walking …

5 Biggest Cities In China

5 Biggest Cities In China

You’ve packed your bags and are prepared to begin your new life in China! One major issue, though, remains: where the heck are you going to live? I’ve got your …

2nd Tier Cities In China

2nd Tier Cities In China

The “Big Three” cities of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou attract the vast majority of foreign residents in China. The question is, “Why?” If you’re looking for a taste of familiarity …
