How to Save Money in China

How to Save Money in China

Because you are from the West and working in China, it is quite likely that your pay will be much greater than that of your Chinese coworkers. This is due …

Invest In China

Invest In China

China’s impressive economic and social development over the last decade has given it a reputation as one of the world’s safest investment destinations. Because of this, they have become an …

Live In China As A Foreigner

Live In China As A Foreigner

Even while China offers many possibilities for internationals, there are also many dangers for those who don’t play by the rules. Cutting corners, taking shortcuts, or bending the rules might …

Working Hours In China

Working Hours In China

It’s a widely known reality that workers in China frequently find themselves exposed to extended hours of unpaid overtime. But what do China’s labor rules require when it comes to …

Alcohol Culture In China

Alcohol Culture In China

Consumption of alcohol and the associated culture has always been reliable barometers of social trends and norms throughout time and space. Indeed, China is hardly an exception. Find below an …

5 Biggest Cities In China

5 Biggest Cities In China

You’ve packed your bags and are prepared to begin your new life in China! One major issue, though, remains: where the heck are you going to live? I’ve got your …

2nd Tier Cities In China

2nd Tier Cities In China

The “Big Three” cities of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou attract the vast majority of foreign residents in China. The question is, “Why?” If you’re looking for a taste of familiarity …

TEFL Certification in China

TEFL Certification in China

You probably already have some familiarity with TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certifications, regardless of whether you are just starting out in the field or have been doing …

How To Make It Freelancing In China

How To Make It Freelancing In China

Struggling to make up your mind about freelancing? Anyone hoping to freelance in China, whether they writers, designers, consultants, trainers, or male models, would do well to arm themselves with …

Are There Black People Living In China

Are There Black People Living In China

Many Chinese people presume that foreigners from the United States or Europe are white or Caucasian because of this stereotype. Not only do employers, Chinese residents, and maybe even journalists …
