Sales Management Jobs

Sales Management Jobs

For the globally-minded sales leader seeking an unparalleled personal and professional crucible, few gauntlets match the intense demands and potential upsides of helming revenue operations across China’s endlessly complex business …

How Much Does A Regional Manager Make

How Much Does A Regional Manager Make

China has emerged as a magnet for international careerists aiming to elevate their professional trajectory and income prospects. Positioned as the globe’s economic runner-up with an average GDP increment circling …

Tips for Foreigners Seeking TikTok Internships and Jobs in China

Tips for Foreigners Seeking TikTok Internships and Jobs in China

Are you a foreigner with a passion for social media and an eye for creativity? Landing an internship or entry-level job at TikTok in China could be your ticket to …

Shanghai Looks to Attract More High-End Foreign Talent

Shanghai Looks to Attract More High-End Foreign Talent

Shanghai government changes rules to attract more talent The Ministry of Public Security, in conjunction with the Shanghai Municipal Government, announced on January 16 the launching of the “Shanghai Immigration …

Global Talent Flocking to Work in China

Global Talent Flocking to Work in China

China is becoming attractive to global talent on an unprecedented level because of the nation’s economic size and vibrancy, according to a report released on Saturday by U.S. business magazine …

Shanghai Becomes International Talents’ Favorite City

Shanghai Becomes International Talents’ Favorite City

Shanghai is China’s the favorite city for international talents, followed by Beijing, South China’s Guangdong Province and East China’s Jiangsu Province, according to a recent report on regional international talent …

China Work Permit Requirements 2023

China Work Permit Requirements 2023

The process of acquiring a work visa in China will change in 2023. The first step in obtaining the necessary permission to operate in the nation is to familiarize yourself …
