Top Cities in China for Foreign Regional Managers to Explore

Top Cities in China for Foreign Regional Managers to Explore

Shanghai: China’s Glitzy Gateway As China’s financial capital and most cosmopolitan city, Shanghai tops the list for most foreign regional managers. This bustling metropolis fuses East and West – towering …

Networking in China: Making Connections as a Foreign Regional Manager

Networking in China: Making Connections as a Foreign Regional Manager

As a foreign regional manager in China, effectively networking is key to your success. From sealing deals to navigating office politics, your network of contacts opens doors. Understanding the unique …

Salary Expectations: What Foreign Regional Managers Can Anticipate in China

Salary Expectations: What Foreign Regional Managers Can Anticipate in China

Foreign regional managers wishing to work in China should evaluate their experience, education, Chinese language abilities, and city when analyzing wage offers. New managers with fewer than 5 years of …

Cultural Etiquette for Foreign Regional Managers in Chinese Business Settings

Cultural Etiquette for Foreign Regional Managers in Chinese Business Settings

In Chinese business culture, hierarchy matters tremendously. Foreign managers must remember to show utmost respect to senior leaders in all verbal and nonverbal communications. Causing colleagues to “lose face” through …

The Role of E-commerce in China for Foreign Regional Managers

The Role of E-commerce in China for Foreign Regional Managers

Foreign regional managers in China must enter the e-commerce ecosystem. China has one of the world’s biggest and most vibrant e-commerce markets. There are many possibilities but also tough competition. …
