The globalized business world we inhabit in the 21st century offers innumerable opportunity for those interested in exploring the ever-changing world of procurement. For those curious about experiencing the Far East in an unexpected and engaged way, there are procurement job in China for foreigners that are waiting to be, quite literally, taken advantage of.

Procurement Job In China

Given the country’s rapidly developing economy, the ability to successfully traverse the often complex structures of Chinese procurement is becoming an increasingly valuable asset. To get a better understanding of the opportunities available to foreigners interested in the Chinese procurement process, here’s a look at the hurdles and advantages they’d face should they choose to pursue a procurement job in China.

Understand Applications Requirements For Foreigners

Despite China’s rapid economic progress over the last few decades, the process of applying to a procurement job in China can still require a bit of navigating for those unfamiliar with it. For instance, the Chinese government now requires all foreign applicants to gain permission from a local employment agency. This stipulation can add an additional layer of complexity to the application process when compared to other countries.

That said, the recently instituted Foreign Service Expert Certification is designed to fast-track the application process significantly. Prospective job seekers with an intermediary Mandarin language proficiency can now apply for this certification, which accelerates the procedure for their respective applications, while they take language courses to gain a fuller understanding and working capability during their time in China.

Be Mindful Of Government Restraints

The Chinese government still retains some restrictions on the activities of foreign procurement professionals. For instance, joint ownership and large investments are still cordoned off to Chinese nationals only. This means qualified foreigners planning to work in procurement will need to find alternative ways of accomplishing their goals.

That said, the ability to invest locally in smaller Chinese businesses is an option, although special clearance would be required for larger investments.

Take Advantage Of China’s Developing Economy

Despite its prior restraints, the economic situation within China has changed significantly over the last few decades. Thanks to recent economic and political reforms, the country is now one of the most rapidly developing economies in the world. In fact, some want to double the nation’s income from 2011 to 2021, making it the second-largest economy on the planet.

As such, Chinese businesses have become significantly more centralized during this period. This, in turn, has made it easier for representatives of those firms to access key global markets, as well as necessary financial resources. A direct effect of this progression can be seen in the development of new commodities exchanges, through which trading can occur both within China and around the world.

Therefore, the presence of a qualified procurement professional can be invaluable for those looking to capitalize on the opportunities that these exchanges provide. The savvy procurement professional can help these businesses make informed decisions when negotiating with potential buyers, as well as provide timely advice regarding industry trends.

Make Sure You Have A Network Of Valid Resources

Each professional field has its own set of resources in order to assist individuals working in it. This is especially true for procurement professionals. A thorough background in business ethics, current industry laws, and effective B2B negotiation tactics will only help potential applicants when they start their procurement job in China.

Additionally, it’s important to have a strong web of professional contacts within the industry. This web of professionals will not only provide moral support during the often tedious application process, but can also assist in understanding the intricacies of the current Chinese market.

Networking events are available all over China, however, if you don’t have access to one of those events or have limited time due to tight deadlines, the Internet is your best resource. Some of the biggest online portals for finding Chinese companies include ‘Chinalink’ and ‘Zhiliang’. Other websites such as ‘China Procurement’ has a wealth of news and reports from the transaction landscape within China.

Navigate The Cultural Differences Of Procurement job In China

The Chinese culture has obviously been a part of Chinese life since ancient times, but it’s something that visiting procurement professionals should also take into account. Understanding the significant cultural differences between East and West can make a huge difference in the success of a Chinese procurement job.

Procurement Job In China (2)

For instance, the Chinese market is both heavily communal and hierarchical in nature. Meaning, potential applicants will need to be aware that decisions are often made after thorough research of market conditions, and the outcomes are usually determined by consensus. Decisions made through consensus will take longer than those made unilaterally, thus patience is essential when engaging with Chinese buyers, suppliers, and partners.

Another cultural tenet involves understanding the importance of “face.” This concept refers to how one is perceived in public, either through direct interactions with other members of society or by the reputation that one has. Maintaining maintain proper “face” while engaged in any project is paramount as it directly assists in the successful completion of that project.


Given the economic developments of the last few decades, pursuit of a procurement job in China is becoming an increasingly viable option for individuals. Those interested in exploring the dynamic opportunities of Chinese procurement can view the process as a potential career trajectory, a unique experience, or simply as a curiosity.

That said, the combination of understanding the application requirements, the governmental restraints, the Chinese economic landscape, and cultural nuances will all play an important role in how they can successfully traverse their procurement job in China. For those eager to explore these opportunities to their fullest, the process could be the beginning of a real transformation.