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Cash Has Been Replaced By Mobile Payments In China

Cash Has Been Replaced By Mobile Payments In China

Chinese mobile payment volume has more than doubled to USD$5 trillion in 2016, according to Analysys data cited by Hillhouse Capital. Mobile payments continue to grow rapidly in mainland China. …

Chinese Web Users Make Light Of Golden Week Travel Woes

Chinese Web Users Make Light Of Golden Week Travel Woes

China’s “Golden Week” national holiday is under way, and social media users are making light of travel problems that are dogging the annual getaway. China’s “Golden Week” national holiday is …

Foreigners Play The Role Of Diplomats On Chinese Social Media

Foreigners Play The Role Of Diplomats On Chinese Social Media

By creating online content in Chinese about Chinese culture on Chinese social media, these foreigners have forayed into the political realm, bolstering their home country’s reputation within China’s borders and …

30,000 Foreign Cancer Patients Flock To China For Treatment

30,000 Foreign Cancer Patients Flock To China For Treatment

A hospital in southern China has been attracting thousands of foreign cancer patients with its treatment expertise, particularly for those in advanced stages. A hospital in southern China has been …

Women Stopped From Flying Home After Undergoing Plastic Surgery

Women Stopped From Flying Home After Undergoing Plastic Surgery

Three women, reported to be Chinese, arrived at an airport in South Korea with swollen faces and bandages faces. Unfortunately, their plastic surgery ended up causing some unforeseen issues with …

‘Fake general and colonel’ Was Arrested By China Police

‘Fake general and colonel’ Was Arrested By China Police

When it comes to enhancing foreign relations, it seems that China’s famous foreigners increasingly have a role to play, especially those who are now online celebrities on Chinese social media. …

Man Cooking Chinese Food in Morocco Makes 15,000+ Per Month

Man Cooking Chinese Food in Morocco Makes 15,000+ Per Month

A Chinese man is making good money for cooking traditional food at a Chinese restaurant in Morocco. Wang Luping, a native of Zhejiang Province in eastern China, earns 100,000 yuan …

Job Prospect Good But Quality Of Life Turns Expats Off China

Job Prospect Good But Quality Of Life Turns Expats Off China

China’s economy and job prospects may be good for expatriates, but many are unsatisfied with its quality of life, leaving it languishing at 55th place in a global survey of …

How to Apply for Non-criminal Record?

How to Apply for Non-criminal Record?

Since the new China Work Permit policy came into effect on April 1st, 2017, it’s become more complex and to apply for Work Permit. Some documents will require more time …

Emotional Tale Of China’s 22 Surviving Wartime Sex Slaves

Emotional Tale Of China’s 22 Surviving Wartime Sex Slaves

When the topic was deemed politically sensitive for China’s movie-goers, Guo Ke, the director of Twenty Two, a documentary about “comfort women”, said he did not expect his film to …
