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The 7 Most Haunted Places in China

The 7 Most Haunted Places in China

China’s history is incredibly vast and complex, and its ghost stories are no exception. Step into 5,000 years of history and the ghastly past of China, from the wiles of …

Are Tattoos No Longer Taboo in China?

Are Tattoos No Longer Taboo in China?

Tattoos have a long history in China. But for most of that history, they were stigmatized, associated with prisoners, vagrants, and the criminal underworld. Tattoos have a long history in …

Why Can’t the Chinese Stop Sleeping at Work?

Why Can’t the Chinese Stop Sleeping at Work?

If you are a Westerner living, studying or working in China then you might have seen, time and time again an interesting habit of the Chinese…napping at noon time. If …

7 Must Know Things That Could Get You Jailed Or Killed Abroad

7 Must Know Things That Could Get You Jailed Or Killed Abroad

Check out these 7 things that could potentially get you arrested or killed in different places! When traveling around the world, you have to be careful! Each nation has its …

Toddler Disables Mother’s iPhone for 47 Years!

Toddler Disables Mother’s iPhone for 47 Years!

A cautionary tale for all parents with toddlers: Do not let your child play with your phone, or you might not be able to unlock it for years. One mother …

Do You Know these Popular Spring Festival Decorations?

Do You Know these Popular Spring Festival Decorations?

Chinese lanterns are used in important festivals such as the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year to the Lantern Festival) and the Mid-Autumn Festival. 1. Chinese Red Lanterns  Chinese lanterns are …

Beijing Park Using Facial Recognition for Toilet Paper

Beijing Park Using Facial Recognition for Toilet Paper

It seems like the pettiest of powder room problems, but apparently toilet paper theft has gotten so bad at the Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing, authorities have installed facial …

Bathhouses, Public Showers, and Hot Springs in China

Bathhouses, Public Showers, and Hot Springs in China

Ever walked down the street in China and came across a huge fancy building, with some golden pillars surrounding it, and perhaps some well-dressed guards at the entrance, and a …

Shopper Superised To See Seller Wearing His Dresses

Shopper Superised To See Seller Wearing His Dresses

With an endless number of websites flogging cheap prom dresses it’s no wonder shoppers want to ensure the quality of their goods before clicking buy. With an endless number of …

Expats Web celebrities in China share 10 most shocking secrets

Expats Web celebrities in China share 10 most shocking secrets

It’s now easier than ever to upload a video and get famous in China. As the wanghong (Internet celebrity) business flourishes in China, a lot of foreigners living in China …
