China is home to a thriving economy and has experienced robust growth in the past few decades. As a result, the country’s domestic and international markets are bustling with activity. Companies from all over the world are looking for qualified personnel to join their sales and marketing teams in China, including those for overseas sales representatives. This blog post aims to provide an in-depth look at overseas sales representative jobs in China – what it entails, the current job market, and potential earning opportunities.

Overseas Sales Representative Jobs In China

What Does The Job Involve?

The primary responsibility of an overseas sales representative is to work with a company’s existing customer base in order to increase sales and expand the company’s international client base. Sales representatives typically work with clients from different cultures and understand the nuances of how to effectively negotiate with individuals across the globe. Duties may also include providing step-by-step instruction on how to make purchases, creating sales plans and setting sales goals, developing promotional materials, coordinating international shipments, and more.

In China, the job calls for a mix of language skills and cultural understanding, making knowledge of the Chinese language an invaluable asset. Having an understanding of the culture and customs, as well as Mandarin Chinese, will put job seekers at a competitive advantage in their search. It will also prove highly beneficial when it comes to working with clients, as the ability to communicate effectively in the local language can go far in helping to make successful deals.

What is The Current Job Market Like?

There is a high demand for overseas sales representatives in China, as Chinese companies are rapidly expanding into international markets. With multinational companies seeking out sales professionals in order to expand their business abroad, positions are readily available in cities throughout the country. China is also home to numerous international hubs – such as Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai – making these cities ideal for those seeking out positions within the industry.

These jobs typically come with excellent benefits, such as paid leave days, subsidized housing, and bonus rewards for exceeding sales goals. Furthermore, since visas and work permits in China are often required, companies provide assistance for their employees in this regard.

Potential Earning Opportunities

Sales representatives in China can expect to earn a good salary, depending on their experience level and the company they work for. Salaries can range from $40,000 to $80,000 or higher for more senior positions. Aside from basic salary, sales representatives can also earn commission on top of their basic salary, depending on the number of sales they close.

Overseas Sales Representative Jobs In China

Making the most out of your earnings is possible by taking advantage of the tax breaks available to sales representatives. Sales representatives are eligible for some tax breaks, such as the special “overseas sales deduction” which grants a deduction of up to 15% on all overseas sales.


Overseas sales representative jobs in China are on the rise, and offer a variety of earning opportunities. With the right language and cultural knowledge, coupled with hard work and dedication, sales representatives can rise through the ranks in no time. With so much growth potential and lucrative salaries on offer, it’s no wonder why so many are looking to break into the field of overseas sales representatives in China.