It seems that China’s never short of “body challenges” that determine if you are “physically perfect”. Some of such fads you may have come across include: determining if your waist is small enough by comparing it with an A4 size paper, or if you are skin
It seems that China’s never short of “body challenges” that determine if you are “physically perfect”. Some of such fads you may have come across include: determining if your waist is small enough by comparing it with an A4 size paper, or if you are skinny enough by the collarbones by balancing objects on your collarbone. And the latest craze among Chinese women? It is the challenge of closing the car boot with a single leg to prove that one has long legs, as reported by Chinese news website Kan Kan News.
The “leg splits” challenge
Known as the ‘splits challenge’, a video montage compiled by Kan Kan News shows five Chinese women completing the challenge. And, naturally, they did it to flaunt their long legs.
The act gained online popularity after a video of a mother performing the act went viral on Chinese social media.