In an ambitious world, unemployment can eventually get the best of us.

In an ambitious world, unemployment can eventually get the best of us. 


We are told

~ ” Failure is the stepping stone to success”

~  “Fall seven times, stand up eight”

~  “Never Underestimate your Abilities”

We’ve heard them all…and the rest of them. But what of such grandiose affirmations and statements, when possibilities seem limited?


Likewise, being stuck in a mundane job is just as bad as being unemployed; other scenarios may entail sending out endless resumes which also become equally frustrating when there is no return call for an interview. And even worse, once an interview is landed concerning a half-hearted job, passion would lack during the interview process, thus re-enabling the cycle of endless rejections and joblessness. 


So how do we break this cycle?

One huge acknowledgment to turn any table and change any circumstance is to understand: 

“Where there is a problem, there always stands a solution”

Job fairs are extremely underestimated. I have interviewed many prospective candidates, and yes, they have given me the plethora of examples who have told me that many job fairs inChinahave given them bleak hope of landing their holy grail of career opportunities.  And even if they have found a job fair with decent prospect, the positions offered to them have been relatively 1. low in salary or 2.  Job expectations not met or 3. Their desired job was not available.

But then I bring this to their awareness: “…. it depends on the job fair”


Leading Recruitment through,is an example of a brilliant expat job portal and recruitment agency which will not only help you land your dream job, but will also follow your opinions to help improve your selection of employers.  Pretty amazing? …To throw another bonus, their Job Fair is coming to Shenzhen!




Their website also provides a thorough selection of jobs and efficient guidance

Two job fairs were successfully held in 2016, where “HiredChina” has collected a multitude of information to 

1.  Place emphasis on understanding expats needs  ; 

2.  To break all the regular rules of Job Fairs’ in China;  

3. Provide only the best, all catered to your requirements!

A lot of expats believe, that being an English Teacher is the primary role offered at any Job Fair catered towards expats in China, however, this is not the case. Statistics based on last year’s job fair from Hired China, reveals that half of the expat community were looking to apply for Marketing positions  – a highly lucrative role in the Chinese Economy.  Below is a statistical breakdown of preferred jobs by expats according to industry:



All previous concerns faced candidates wanting to know the company profiles of those joining the job fair, can finally be put to rest, as this too will be taken care of by HiredChina.  


Company profiles along with vacancies and positions available will be published in GuideinChina’s official WeChat account. For example —> Career Dream For Expats? Meet Linyang At The Sept 2nd Job Fair!


An example of companies that will be joining the exhibition 

Furthermore, to re-emphasise the point – If you are unable to find a company that you are interested in, or if a company that you are interested in has not been included in the fair, HiredChina will try their best to help guide you in finding you preferred job role, or even help contact your preferred company and get them to join the exhibition.


Sounds like a smooth pathway to success, doesn’t it? 

However it just doesn’t end here!

Building a decent resume is imperative to landing your desired job. Furthermore, interview skills are also important.HiredChina therefore also provides additional careers guidance and counselling services for a minimal service fee of just RMB 99! Upon registration and payment of the fee, the candidate will be contacted by their personal consultant, who will provide them with advice based upon their individual requirements. Recommendations will also be made of the positions to look for at the upcoming job fair.



To not miss out on this fantastic opportunity, follow the instructions below and open the door to your desired future!

Registration Process

1.  Click Apply Now or scan our register QR code to sign in. System will remind you to sign in with your phone number in our website


2 .  After successful register on the website, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire. This is a very important step, as according the questionnaire we shall invite the relevant employers to the job fair, and even those based on your personal recommendation. Your Ideas are very important.


3.  Once you have finished the questionnaire, you will be required to fill your information in. If you are already a registered member on  , then you won’t be required to fill it again.


4.  If this process was done on the computer, you will need to scan the WeChat QR code to confirm the registration information. However, if this process was done on Wechat, you will just be required to click the “Confirm Apply ” button at the end of the process. When you choose to join the Job Fair, you will also need to scan a QR code to sign up.

5.  Finally you will come to the payment interface. If you require careers guidance, you will be expected to pay a service fee of RMB99*. If you don’t wish for any consultation services, then you may close the interface. u will also need to scan a QR code to sign up.


* Payments can only be made through WeChat Pay! If you don’t have WeChat pay, you may want to get a friend who does to help you with the payment stage.

Last but not least – Pass this wonderful opportunity and information around to your friends!


Good Luck, add Oil, See you at the Jobs Fair!

More Detailed Information & Apply, Please Click Here

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