While growing up, a major part of our school life is structured around learning the history of the country we live in, to understand the cultural heritage we come from or belong to. That said, many of us have lived in China for as long as we may have and

While growing up, a major part of our school life is structured around learning the history of the country we live in, to understand the cultural heritage we come from or belong to. That said, many of us have lived in China for as long as we may have and know close to nothing about the basics of Chinese history. Here is a chance for us to change that. Below is a meticulous list of National Symbols seach of us must know.

Photo: Youtube

1.  The National Flag

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Photo: printerset.com

The Chinese National Flag, designed by Zeng Liansong, is a field of red to denote Communism; with 5 golden stars on it. Each of the 4 small stars represents the four social classes in Chinese society and the largest one is a symbol of their allegiance with the Communist Party. The flag is flown in Mainland, Hong Kong (which now has its own flag), and Macau.


2.  National Emblem

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Photo: Easy Tour China

The Tiananmen was adopted as the National Emblem in 1950 and is the symbol of modern China. The wheel and grain represents the working class and the peasantry respectively and the five stars symbolize the solidarity of the various nationalities of China.


3.  National Anthem

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Photo:  Youtube

The Chinese National Anthem is called The March of The Volunteers (also known as San Min Chui or the Three Principles of the People) and was written by Tian Han with music scored by Nie Er. It was picked as excerpts from Sun Yat-sen’s innaugral speech at the Whampoa Military  Academy. It was officially adopted in 1943 but was the de-facto anthem from 1937 forward.


4.  Father of the Nation

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Living in China, you cannot possibly not know this. General Mao Zedong established PRC on Oct 1, 1949 which is now a National Holiday in his honor. His portrait also hangs at the entrance of Tianmen Square.


5.  National Currency

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Renmibi is the official currency of The People’s Republic of China. The more colloquially used Yuan is merely a unit of the currency. The international currency code for the currency is CNY.


6.  National Flower

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Plum Blossom  Photo: Internet

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Peony  Photo: Internet

The National Flower of the PRC, which is a symbol of luxury and prosperity and was much celebrated by the poets of Tang Dynasty. The Peony was selected by popular vote of the citizens in 1994.


7.  National Animal

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Lovely Panda   Photo: Emaze

For obvious reasons, the National Animal of PRC is the Giant Panda, native to south-central China. If you didn’t already know it, it is fascinating to know that ALL the pandas in the world are owned by China.


Photo:  Asian Fights – WordPress.com

National Animal (Mythology): The Chinese Dragons that the country is known for. Traditionally these can adapt different forms such as a fish or turtle but popularly, the symbol is made of a horse’s head, a snake’s body and a chicken’s claws.


8.  National Color

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Photo: Internet

Red and Yellow as seen on the National Flag


9.  National Bird


Red Crowned crane  Photo: CCTV International

The Red Crowned crane is the National Bird of PRC and symbolizes elegance and flight (the symbolic rise of China). These birds in Chinese mythology denote immortality and the journey of life; much like the western concept of phoenix.


10. National Tree

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Ginkgo  Photo: Internet

Yes, China has a National Tree. It is called the Ginkgo. This species of tree was introduced to Japan by Chinese monks and after surviving the Hiroshima bombing; the tree came to be known as a symbol of resilience.


11.  National Costume

Hanfu   Photo: Internet


Qiapao  Photo: Printerset

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Mao Suit  Photo: Internet

Traditionally, men wear the Hanfu (loose fitting long tunics with skirts) while the modern costume for women has evolved and come to be known as a Qipao. The Mao suits were the official dress of the Communist period.


12.  National Sport

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Photos : Internet

Ping Pong Qiu or as the western world calls it- table tennis. Chinese players excelling in this sport, having diligently practiced it all their life, display some of the best sportsmanship at world championships. It is the western equivalent of a dad playing ball with his son except with 100 times the social pressure.


13.  National Fruit


Kiwi  Photo: Internet


Jujube  Photo: Internet


14.  National Language


Photo: Internet

Mandarin (make note, simple Chinese is what we call it but officially, the language is mandarin.) One could also argue it being Putonghua based on its Beijing dialect.


15. National Capital

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Photo: Internet

Last but not the least, Beijing or Peking is the National Capital of the PRC and is where the government is based. It is an extremely important global center.


We hope this lesson in general knowledge has been enlightening and that you feel closer to being able to call China home.


 Author: Khushboo KhannaAuthor
