1. 中国人数学很好

The Chinese are all good at Mathematics

chinlingo.jpgPhoto: www.chinlingo.com

Many foreigners believe that the Chinese are all fairly good at math and able to work out the math problems easily that are rather difficult to them. However, the fact is that not every Chinese person does well in math.

2. 中国人都会功夫

All the Chinese know how to play Kungfu

YouTube.jpgPhoto: Youtube

Do all the Chinese know Kungfu? Most foreigners have seen Chinese Kungfu films starring Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan or Jet Li, as well as some Chinese swordplay films.

So they take for granted that most Chinese people know Kungfu and can even fly over the eaves and run on the walls easily (known as acrobatics). As a matter of fact, most Chinese people don’t know Kungfu, despite of the different “Kungfu dreams” in their mind …


3. 中国人兵乓球都很厉害

All the Chinese play table tennis well


Photo: www.chinlingo.com

In the Olympic Games, the Chinese table tennis players have always done well and won the championships, which impresses foreigners that all Chinese people must play table tennis very well.

Thus, when they play table tennis with Chinese friends and win, they would believe they are really awesome.

Although table tennis is the national sport of China, it doesn’t necessarily mean that every Chinese person plays it well. There are many newbies to table tennis, just like me.


4. 中国人都很矮

The Chinese are short


Photo: www.chinlingo.com

Compared with the Europeans and Americans, the Chinese are not tall on average. Many foreigners have formed the stereotype that the Chinese are short. So they are always taken by surprise when they see Chinese who are as tall as them. In fact, there are also tall people in China, for example, the northerners.


5. 中国人都很有錢

The Chinese are wealthy


Photo: Sohu

When one travels somewhere, he or she would probably see many Chinese people shopping a lot. As a result, many people who don’t know much about China would simply believe that the Chinese are all wealthy.

It’s not the case. Like all other countries, there are also poor people in China. Many Chinese people cannot afford to travel outside China.


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