After besting a host of other shapely contestants, 19-year-old Gao Qian was crowned the woman with the “most beautiful buttocks” in China.

After besting a host of other shapely contestants, 19-year-old Gao Qian was crowned the woman with the “most beautiful buttocks” in China.


Gao Qian (pictured), 19, is the winner of the ‘most beautiful buttocks’ contest in China and a popular live-streaming host    Photo:Gao Qian

Gao’s curvaceous behind beat those of 50 others who joined the “most beautiful butt” competition in the city of Shenyang in China’s northeast Liaoning Province.


The woman (number 302 in the picture) competes at the competition, which is China’s answer to Brazil’s ‘Miss BumBum’  Photo:Dailymail

The contest, organized by fitness club Saipu inside a Shenyang shopping mall on June 24th, has been touted as China’s answer to Brazil’s Miss BumBum contest.

In an interview with Daily Mail, Gao revealed that there are some downsides in possessing such attention-grabbing assets. 


Ms Gao is pictured with the first and second runners-up during the popular competition which drew many onlookers  Photo:Gao Qian

The 5-foot 7-inch model, who’s a personal trainer by profession, revealed how she would often feel awkward when couples argue after a girl’s boyfriend is caught glancing or even heard praising her butt.

She shared that she could no longer wear leggings because “people would surround me and point at my backside.” Now, she is forced to wear only baggy clothing in public.


The woman is a part-time personal trainer and a popular vlogger who makes a living by broadcasting her daily activities    Photo:Gao Qian

She is, however, proud to reveal that her family has been completely supportive of her about the contest.

“My father gave me much encouragement after I signed up for the competition,” she says. “My family also think it’s a very positive thing to do.”


Ms Gao, from Shenyang, is a fitness fanatic herself and spends many hours in the gym every week in order to keep her body fit   Photo:Gao Qian

She reportedly prepared for the contest by spending six hours per day in the gym where she did thousands of squats and lunges to keep her buttocks in their best shape as possible.


The 19-year-old said she was very pleased with her performance and would carry on training no matter how hard it might get Photo:Gao Qian

Gao, who’s also a popular local vlogger in China, has earned additional social media fans since her impressive win. Gao now dreams of possibly joining Brazil’s “Miss Bumbum” contest in the future.


As the winner of the ‘most beautiful buttocks’ contest in China, Ms Gao (pictured, left and right) said she would love to attend Miss BumBum one day. She said her family support what she does, and she feels lucky about it Photo:Gao Qian

“I’m very pleased with the results,” she said. “I will carry on training no matter how hard it might get. This is the career I love.”

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