A man was fined in southwest China after he cut the roof off his car to make it look a convertible, according to Chinese media reports.

A man was fined in southwest China after he cut the roof off his car to make it look a convertible, according to Chinese media reports.



The man tried to flee after he was spotted by police in Luoping county in Yunnan province.

The motorist drove into a nearby brick factory, but was caught by traffic officers, News.qq.com reported.



The man, aged 26, whose full name was not given in the reports, was driving a car in poor condition which was overdue for an official inspection and service.

He was fined 400 yuan (US$60) and three points were docked from his driving licence.



A man was fined in Liuyang in Hunan province in March for illegally altering his Chinese-made car to make it look like a Porsche.

The man bought badges and stickers to pass his Zotye SR9 off as a Porsche Macan.

He was fined 500 yuan for modifying the car so that it did not match its registration details.

Do you recognized that is Zotye SR9???

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