This Monday a woman in Yangzhou accidentally threw away a diamond ring worth about 110,000 yuan ($16,700). By the time she realized what had happened, the ring was on its way to the dump.

This Monday a woman in Yangzhou accidentally threw away a diamond ring worth about 110,000 yuan ($16,700). By the time she realized what had happened, the ring was on its way to the dump.



As fast as she could, the distraught woman made her way to the offices of her local sanitation department. The director there informed her that the trash from her neighborhood had already been compacted and was awaiting transport to the incinerator, the Beijing Times reports.

She was told to come back the following morning. In the meantime, the director instructed workers to pull the massive bundles of garbage out of the incinerator line and post guards overnight to make sure they were not mistakenly put back in line to be burned.

On Tuesday morning, eight sanitation workers spent two hours rummaging through 13 tons of garbage before finally uncovering the woman’s ring.


Source: Beijing times



Last year, 15 dedicated Shanghai street cleaners participated in a similar sort of treasure hunt, searching through 5 tons of garbage for three hours to find a tourist’s lost iPhone.



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